On 31 Aug 2002 at 4:27, Knut Kampe wrote:

> Rob where did you get that from? For 35 negs the resolution is 4800 dpi, 
> for MF 3200 dpi (different optics within same scanner, as I understand). 
> There is absolutely no statement that the resolution is interpolated!

> This is just opposite of what you claim to have read in this article!

Hi Knut,

No offence taken, in the page http://www.imaging-
resource.com/SCAN/DSMP/DSMA.HTM they scan MF negs at 4800dpi (obvisously not 
optical). In the page http://www.imaging-resource.com/SCAN/DSMP/DSMPICS.HTM 
there is a parragraph as follows:

"After we posted the first version of this review, several sharp-eyed readers 
emailed to point out that the Dimage Scan Multi Pro doesn't really scan medium-
format film at 4800 dpi, but rather interpolates up from the 3200 dpi that 
represents the raw sensor resolution. Embarassed by our gaffe (we completely 
missed this in the DSMP's docs), we re-scanned the res target at 3200."

So I was simply a little misled by the review. :-)


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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