JCO wrote:
>Yesterday I recieved in the mail another interesting M42 lens,
>the Vivitar 200mm F3.5 from the middle 70's. I "risked" a
>whopping $35 for it MINT on ebay. It's got at least 3 layer
>coatings which aint too bad for a tele design.
>This lens is excellent quality. On the large scan you
>can clearly see the finest stiching on the girls shorts and even
>the adjustment holes on her watchband. Skin texture
>is rendered nicely too.

Agreed - excellent detail on the shorts. Looks like a fabulous lens. Damn 
good bargain.

The scan's all very speckly though and the fuzzy smudge on the girl's cheek 
spoils what would be a cracking photo.
I can't help thinking that you should be using some other settings for the 
scanner. Dunno what though, I still can't get my head round dpi, ppi etc 
etc despite having had it explained numerous times.


Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada
home page http://www.beard-redfern.com

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