> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Dobo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Just a small note to those I've been debating with.  I'm not 
> trying to be argumentative.  I like to debate, and you guys 
> know a heck of a lot more than myself on Pentax and 
> photography in general.

In my case I doubt that!

>  I've decided I won't take anything 
> as personal, and I hope you guys do not.

Nope, pretty thick skinned in general - especially when it comes to

> I feel generally self-conscious about my 
> results. Several have been enlarged by my parents and hang on 
> walls, and some friends have bought prints from me.  Yet 
> mostly, I keep the results to myself and appreciate them on 
> my own.  I feel like a bad photographer and hate my 
> surrounding environment as not picturesque.

I know these feelings!  If you have sold stuff then you have done pretty
well.  I don't even show a lot of my stuff, except on the web to people
I don't even know that well.  Most of my 'real life' friends are not
interested in photography, so it is purely for my own pleasure that I do
it.  I am a pretty harsh photo critic, so often dissapointed with what I

> I am taking a course at night to improve my skills, that starts next
> We'll see what happens (though I generally shutdown in the winter).

I did the course thing for a while, but work got in the way.  Best thing
I ever did was learn to get up for dawn - the light is fantastic!

Keep on posting - do you have any stuff on-line?

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