Why not use the short extension tube? That should give you good portrait
focusing distance.

Dan Scott wrote:
> On Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 05:51  AM, J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> >
> > Anyone know of a webstore that sells high
> > quality closeup lenses at good prices?
> > What are the best brands? Are they all single
> > element designs or are some doublets?
> > I want to buy a 67mm size +1 closeup lens for
> > my 200mm F4 SMCT for P6X7 to use for portraits.
> >
> > JCO
> >
> JCO,
> I have the Nikon 3T, a +1.5 two element, which I've used on my M
> 135/3.5. It was $30 at B&H. I chose that one because John Shaw gets
> really good results with his, and it's very cheap for a high quality
> close-up. I also have the Pentax single element close-up, S25, I think,
> which doesn't seem to be really as good as the nikon (haven't done any
> side by sides though).
> Greg Erker has a page listing the current two element achromatics at
> http://www.angelfire.com/ca/erker/closeups.html
> Have fun,
> Dan Scott

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