I don't know about Gianfranco who's probably up to his ears in his job
in Barcelona, but I surely know, although I'm rather surprised you're
talking about RED and CARS and nobody comes out with the one and only...

By god, go out and find some real car...Ferrari!

<G> Actually I'm not that interested in those, but I'm acting suitably
italian, ain't I?

Ciao, Flavio

William Robb wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Chang-Sang
> Subject: RE: A funny sight and some serious help needed!
> > Oh oh oh...
> >
> > Tut tut tut Brad.. and you call yourself CANADIAN and you
> don't know what a
> > Red Barchetta is? :-)
> Weren't they made in Italy? I would be much more concerned if
> Giafranco didn't know what they were.
> William Robb

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