Rubenstein, Bruce M

> DSLRs have been around for years. It is naive to think that DSLRs
> are in their first generation. Thinking that Pentax will start
> selling an up to date DSLR, when they've sold nothing more than
> simple P&S digital cameras, is pure fantasy. Pentax has passed on
> high end digital.

Whether DSLR cameras have been about for 6 months or 6 years, Pentax have
not produced one as yet. I don't know anyone on the board of Pentax, so who
knows if one will appear now or ever?

In this respect, some people here who wish to explore DSLR technology, have
had some pretty tough decisions to make, if they wish to try digital now.

I respect their views, and how hard it must be for them to move away from a
base of cameras that they have enjoyed for many years; and of course the
financial change if you have invested heavily in K-mount glass.

I wish them well.


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