
My experience is that the Epsons give the absolute best quality.  I
have owned 3 in the past.  There is a caveat with them, however.  The
heads are not user replaceable.  If you get a bad clog (can happen and
did to me on 2 different printers), you have to send them in for
service.  That being said, I had one 870 run flawlessly the entire
time I owned it.  That was a more premium model and felt built much
better than some of the others.  Since then I have owned and thrown
away  a 785 and 820.  Both produced great photos until they started to
clog.  The clogs were not caused by lack of use.  They were built much
more cheaply than the 870 and price accordingly.  So even though they
have some very cheap ones, I would recommend that you get one of the
more robust models.

I currently own an HP 7350 - one of their new 6 color pigment
printers.  It does a good job - not quite as good as the Epson though.
But since I use the lab again - they have an Agfa DLab (takes digital
images as well as film) and their pricing is quite competitive, I
don't print as much as I used to and I wanted a printer that would
hold up better than the cheap Epsons.

So if you are serious about printing - get one of the better Epsons.


Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 8:41:38 AM, you wrote:

PJ> I am considering buying a photo quality printer. I'm a total novice in these 
matters so I need advice. Needless to say, I want best quality possible at the lower 
possible price. Any suggestions?

PJ> Pål

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