Bruce wrote:

RBMB> ... I think just about any 100 speed, or slower, slide film is fine.

   I wouldn't agree entirely. I recently used Reala 100 to take a
   series of test shots for my newly acquired SMC 135/2.5. Later I
   compared the enlargements to those made from a Fuji HG 100 - a very
   cheap, high contrast film, targeted for p&s crowd, which I bought
   strictly for test purposes. Same subject, different lens: FA
   80-320/4.5-5.6. If I didn't new better, I would have said the zoom
   at 135 is just as good as the prime if not better. It took a bigger
   enlargement to show that the prime shows indeed finer details where
   the high contrast of the second film mislead the eye into thinking
   the resolution is better because local contrast is higher.

   Servus, Alin

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