----- Original Message -----
From: Brad Dobo
Subject: Re: Brad's Pentax Gripe Gets Nasty ;-)

> What I just laugh my rear off at is that they are coming out
with a new 35mm
> SLR?  LOL  Just when everyone is going digital...that's Pentax
for ya.  Was
> the MZ-S (in sales, not performance) not enough of a flop?
Looks to me like
> they are digging their own grave.

The MZ-S is a weird camera. It's not going to get a Nikon or
Canon user excited because on paper it doesn't compete.
And everyone knows that pros use Nikon or Canon.
The MZ-S isn't my cup of tea, but if I had to buy three of them
tomorrow to replace the LX fleet, I could live with them over
the competition's SLRs.

> Did I make a wrong choice right from the beginning?

Why did you buy an MZ-S? Did you buy it because it had a 7 fps
motordrive, and a 42 point autofocus? If you did, then yes, you
should have read the brochure more closely.

No one buys Pentax for cutting edge camera body technology.
It's been this way for 40 years.

One buys Pentax to use Pentax lenses, which are, IMO, the best
lenses available.

Is there a problem with your MZ-S? Does it not live up to it's
specification? You bought it to shoot film, right?
Or did you buy it to shoot digital?
If you bought it to shoot film, and it does what it is supposed
to do, then it was the right choice.
If it doesn't, then you have to look at why.

Does the camera perform as advertised?

If it does, then you made the wrong choice, sorry.

If it doesn't, then you have a beef with Pentax, The same way
anyone who buys a defective product has a beef with the company.

> Just a random thought, this Pentax DSLR, coming out in
what...the PCA?  Or
> something.  Anyhow, what if it doesn't come out, everyone had
all these same
> reactions up to and a couple days past the Photokina.  If they
don't come
> out with a DSLR, what will you do?

So what?  If they make one, that's nice. If they don't,
I don't really care one way or the other. My life doesn't depend
on whether Pentax makes a digital SLR.
Your's doesn't either, if you think about it.
For myself, I will keep shooting film.
I like film.

William Robb

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