I may die of shock if I saw Pentax advertising here.  Especially on TV!

Yes, I'm up that dirty creek.  I'm not too happy about it and honestly want
to take everything and sell it and save and get a Nikon or Canon DSLR.   No
more bull.  If Pentax can't meet needs, it won't survive.  I don't care if
it's local, Pentax Canada, or Pentax.

What I just laugh my rear off at is that they are coming out with a new 35mm
SLR?  LOL  Just when everyone is going digital...that's Pentax for ya.  Was
the MZ-S (in sales, not performance) not enough of a flop?  Looks to me like
they are digging their own grave.

Now, ya all hear this. :-)  Just because I'm ticked at Pentax doesn't mean
I'm insulting the group or individuals.  So no flames, please.  I'm still a
Pentax owner, so here I am.  I still will need help with it, so here I am.
Did I make a wrong choice right from the beginning?  I am starting to think
so.  Unless Pentax gets their act together.  I happen to like what I've been
able to get my hands on.  They make it hard however.

Just a random thought, this Pentax DSLR, coming out in what...the PCA?  Or
something.  Anyhow, what if it doesn't come out, everyone had all these same
reactions up to and a couple days past the Photokina.  If they don't come
out with a DSLR, what will you do?


Brad Dobo

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shaun Canning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8:15 PM
Subject: RE: Brad's Pentax Gripe Gets Nasty ;-)

> Isn't it funny how different distributors behave in different places?
> is really getting pushed in the media here at the moment, and in
> the Optio 330 and 430's and binoculars. Mainly because it is spring, and
> that means horse races.... The Melbourne Cup, Caulfield Cup, Cox Plate etc
> etc. Now this may be an entirely Victorian phenomenon, because of the
> racing carnival, but I haven't noticed any other manufacturers advertising
> at all. I'm talking mainstream prime-time TV ads here.
> As for Brad's dilemma. Mate your really up s*&t creek unless you want to
> purchase online, or at least travel to somewhere that has the parts you
> want. Same goes for the ads mentioned above, distributors are funny
> There's a box of cable releases less than 75 kilometres from my
> you can't get one for love nor money.
> cheers
> Shaun Canning
> PhD Student
> Archaeology Department
> La Trobe University, Bundoora,
> Australia, 3086.
> Phone: 0414-967 644
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Dobo [mailto:brad.dobo@;rogers.com]
> Sent: Thursday, 31 October 2002 12:01
> Subject: Re: Brad's Pentax Gripe Gets Nasty ;-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Brad's Pentax Gripe Gets Nasty ;-)
> > On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Brad Dobo wrote:
> >
> > > Seriously.  I am not going to pay USD and all the other hassles to get
> this
> > > product, I have never done so and will never do so.  I'm old fashioned
> yet
> > > young.  I will not give out Visa numbers on the Internet nor over the
> phone.
> > > My mother is a bank manager and you'll be appalled at the stuff that
> happens
> > > with fraud.  It also makes it more expensive and harder to return if
> > > something is screwy.
> >
> > Why not? My experiences have been fast, fun and easy. I've ordered a
> > $20USD Light bulb for my enlarger, it worked fine (it shipped el'
> > cheapo ground too!). I've spent $2000CAD online at dell's website to buy
> > new computer.  Millions do it daily. so whats the big deal? I like to
> > my money in Canada, but if I can't source something locally, why stress
> > out about it?
> I told ya! ;-)  I simply will not on principle and cautiousness
> > > So, my only other alternative.  I could order it from the say 10
> > > (some are not real camera stores) here in London, and area, and they
> would
> > > all put their orders into the same place 'Pentax No-Canada'.  I don't
> know
> > > how I'd go to dealers across the province to get this (seeing if each
> one
> > > had it in stock).  The gas would cost more than their most expensive
> lens,
> > > and by the time I got home with my cable, a year would have past and
> > > order from the store arrived!  ;-).  If Pentax Canada cannot get
> something
> > > so simple, I think Pentax has a real problem at least here in NA.  If
> they
> > > want to sell the MZ-S here, they should be selling it's accessories.
> They
> > > should at least have them in stock.  I know this is a bad market area
> for
> > > them, so I understand when my store (or the others) does not have them
> on
> > > the shelf because they simply won't sell.  But I would expect, unless
> > > ordering the 2000mm mirror or similar, that Pentax Canada would keep
> stock
> > > on these items.  It's a lousy release cable.  The other 3 I am told by
> my
> > > store, takes 1-5 days to get even the strangest items.  Pentax, at
> in
> > > NA, is dying I'm afraid (or maybe just Canada)  Remember, Pentax
> is
> > > one location in the largest country in the world.
> >
> > Pentax Canada has an office in Vancouver too.  Call.  I find it hard to
> > belive that Pentax is dying.  I see so many new MZ bodies at different
> > events, parades, hockey games, etc.  I see a good mix or Nikon, Canon,
> > pentax, even a few Minoltas.  Maybe its just London, ON. Have you tried
> > calling any stores in Toronto?  I've had good experiences with McBain
> > Camera in Edmonton, thats in Canada too.
> Does Vancouver have an office or a warehouse?  Still, I won't be getting
> them from there.
> > http://www.mcbaincamera.com/SLR/pentax/bodyAcc.htm
> >
> > They even have the CS-130 listed.  $120 CAD
> First, that is $15 more than my store, and I'm not about to drive to
> Edmonton.  (You already know I won't do Visa, etc over 'net or phone.)
> > It really does sound like "Your store" is giving you the run around. It
> > may be too much work for them to bother, or they just don't sell enough
> > Pentax gear.  I see lots of Pentaxes in BC, maybe thats the difference.
> Well, it's not my store.  The reason the owner sorta suggested the
> of Pentax (and a big camera store here already has) is because of the few
> customers they get for Pentax, they have these same problems, like me.
> cannot get Pentax Canada to ship something that is not in the warehouse,
> they have taken abuse and beatings from peeved off customers and while he
> didn't say it, he sorta said, they didn't need the hassle and it wasn't a
> money maker for them  (Linden Photo as well, they are considering dropping
> Pentax, so a young clerk told me, whether that is true or not...who knows.
> Interesting about Linden is that when my store didn't have the AF360FGZ in
> stock, I called them and they had it.  An anomaly)
> > - Chris
> >
> > --
> > Chris Murray                   /"\
> > http://apeman.org/              X        AGAINST HTML MAIL
> > Cell: 604.861.8307             / \/
> >
> > Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
> > See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
> >

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