On Thursday 07 November 2002 16:39, Dan Scott wrote:
> Just got the SOB off with the aid of a pick but I'm not sure how.
> There's tiny little slotted screw and a piece of blued spring steel
> about 5/8ths of an inch long that came out with the mount. Don't know
> if it jammed because they came off or if they came off when broke the
> mount loose. Any ideas?
> Dan Scott (very relieved)

The spring steel thingy is the tab I was referring too.  I don't have the 
adapter in front of me so I can't give you a good description of how to get 
it on and off.  I just know that you press the tab/spring thingy and the 
adapter comes right off with a turn.

apologizing for not being terribly helpful....

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