On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 04:56  PM, Christian Skofteland wrote:

The spring steel thingy is the tab I was referring too. I don't have the
adapter in front of me so I can't give you a good description of how to get
it on and off. I just know that you press the tab/spring thingy and the
adapter comes right off with a turn.

apologizing for not being terribly helpful....

No problem. I was a little tense myself. <g>

I wonder why there weren't any directions in or on the box? I assumed, if it went in like a K mount lens, it would come out like a K mount lens.

Looking at this thing (the loose parts), the screw appears to be far too short to do its designated task. The screw placed through the hole in the spring extends about 1/32th of an inch (is that close to a millimeter?). I've looked at it under magnification and it the end of the screw isn't broken, it's just too short.

Does the spring do anything besides prevent the mount from coming off?

Dan Scott

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