> 5. finally it doesx not mount my autofocus bodies - how do i
> cooreect this?

The problem is that, way back in the 1970's, Vivitar provided a very
"generous" semi-circular baffle on the K-mount flange of this lens
(and I have no idea as to whether such a baffle exists on other lens
mounts).  While this baffle caused absolutely no problems on the
contemporaneous K bodies for which it was designed, and does not
cause any problems on many of the newer K-mount bodies (I have found
it to be OK with the ME Super, the MEF, the Super Program/A, and the
Program Plus/A), it can "intrude" too much on some of the newer
bodies (my experience is that the flange just makes contact with the
upper baffle in the LX, for example, and others have mentioned newer
autofocus bodies having a problem with this lens).

The solution is simply to remove the excess baffle by carefully
cutting it or grinding it away.  Of course, some might question
whether it is worth doing this to such an old lens simply in order
to use it on a newer body, but I personally think it is, although
tastes vary considerably amongst us - <g>.  I'll put up a few photos
of the problem and the solution shortly (along with a few scans of
some of the VS1 35-85/2.8's ads and brochure images, while I'm at
it) shortly.


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