
> What tool did you use to modify your baffles?

Well, the best way to do it would be with a bench grinder.  However,
due to the tools available to me (or lack thereof), my mods were
made using just a hacksaw and a fine-toothed file (to finish it

> It looks pretty clean.

...due to the "beauty" of a low-res scan - <g>.  Seriously, both
mods came out OK, considering the "skill" (<g>) of the modifier.

> Did you repaint the newly exposed metal?

I just went over the bare metal (from the cut itself, and from any
"nicks" in the black paint that I made with the hacksaw or file)
with a black "magic marker". (Touching it up with flat black paint
would have been the proper way to go, but using a black "magic
marker" worked OK for me.)

By the way, I did not remove 100% of the "extra generous" baffle
that the Vivitar engineers provided back in 1975 - I did leave a
short length near the aperture coupling lever.  This is similar to
the way there is a short "baffle" (I think it's really a mechanical
protection for the aperture coupling lever) on jen-you-wine Pentax
K-mounts.  Doing this also simplified the cutting, since I didn't
have to hacksaw so close to the aperture coupling lever - <g>.


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