Hi Alin,

on 18 Nov 02 you wrote in pentax.list:

>   I also have a MZ-5n and more or less the same assortment of lenses.

It seems a quite common assortment;-)

>   I don't plan to sell any of them, partly because at the current prices
>   it's not worth the hassle,

That's right. But sometimes eBay still breaks all rules...

>   much. Basically I have it split between a light trekking kit and an
>   available light kit.

That would fit my demands quite precisely.

>   My main problem is the continuous degeneration of the
>   photo-finishing services, as well as the shrinking offer of film.

It's the same here in Germany. There are still many laboratories, but if  
you choose a normal, inexpensive photo service, than the result is very  
disappointing. Most of these laboratories already use digital techniques  
to print the pictures and I'm afraid that these techniques are not  
optimal for conventional film material.

>   E6 kits, not to mention slide mounts. I am reduced to only one(!)
>   lab where I can get decent results from. I wonder what will I do
>   when it's operator goes away... how much time and money will I
>   commit to train another good operator? :o(

That's really hard.

>   But I still like a lot the film - I came to the point where I can
>   finely tune it and get pretty much the results I want, and no digital
>   advancement or price drop will make me give up entirely to film.

But you might wonder if you see the results of a digital camera. They  
are still not comparable to analogue results, but they are already  
impressing at 10x15cm prints. Hard to say what will be in 5 years...

>   Therefore I plan to get the MZ-S (btw, I too am positive Pentax won't
>   build another film flagship, this is certainly the last top Pentax
>   on film) and maybe another couple of lenses, but - and this is a
>   big but - only after I see the K mount digital SLR out on the
>   market.

That matches with me considerations. So we will have to wait for the PMA  
next year 8-]

>   As for the digital SLR, I can wait for the full-frame 24x36,
>   10 MPixel, $1000 camera. I'm in no hurry.

I agree to that, too.

Regards, Heiko

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