----- Original Message -----
From: "Arnold Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: SMCP FA 20-35mm f/4 AL or the FA* 24mm f/2 AL WAS -- Re:
Wideangle Dilemmas

> Brad Dobo schrieb:
> >>BTW: The optics of the FA*24/f2 gets verdict of  8.8 for optics and 9.0
(out of 10) for mechanics, whereas the FA20-35 gets 9.6 for optics and 9.0
for mechanics. *****I think it is ridiculous to put these two lenses in the
same league meachnically. My conclusion is that Fotomagazin verdicts and
"supers" (the FA20-35 got one, the FA*24/f2 did not) are very
questionable.****** The curves themselves tell more..
> >>
> >>
> >* are mine.  Mechanically?  Explain this?  One will break the other
won't? High-tech plastics and metal components on one are worst than
another?  I'm lost.  Perhaps I don't know what 'mechanics' means in respect
to a lens.
> >
> "Mechanics" here means build quality, play, robustness, smoothness of
> focusing etc.... While the (mostly metal, heavy) FA*24/f2 may not have
> the very best build quality, I consider it to be much more solid than
> the FA20-35/f4 which features no "high tech" material but just just
> cheap and lightweight platic. When in the shop I had the opportunity to
> buy one or the other, the better build quality of the 24 convinced me.....
> Arnold

Ok, well, the FA20-35/f4 has solid mechanics then.  It has 'high tech'
materials.  Everyone has said similar, and I've used it.  Cheap and
lightweight plastic?  HAR.  Old-fashioned view.  There is nothing cheap
about the plastics used nowadays.  There's more R&D money in strong plastics
than metal.  Lightweight.  I hope so, who wants a heavy lens when you can
have the same thing lighter?  No balance arguments, not at lenses this size.
I guess carbon-tripods are cheap and lightweight too, it's only carbon, not
metal, and it's light.  No, that arguement doesn't work does it?

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