On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Brad Dobo wrote:
> I vote to have a non-prime clause added to the FAQ.  Of course, the one
> calling themselves, 'gfen' doesn't like me much anymore, so I don't see that
> happening!

Actually, Brad, I still love you down inside, I just wish you'd stop being
so purposely obnoxious.

That said, I'll be glad to add "prime lens" to the list of phrases I added
into the FAQ awhile back.

However, I'm afraid you'll forever have to deal with camera people of all
brands referring to fixed-focal-length lenses as prime lenses. For years,
I tried to paitently explain to people that what they called "industrial
music" was not, in fact, "industrial music" because it wasn't released on
a given record label.

It was a losing fight, eventually I gave up, referred to it by a more
correct pigeon hole when I said something, and moved on. Eventually, your
prime-versus-fixed-focal-length crusade will reach this point, as well.

And, finally, I don't care how advanced the world becomes, a prime lens
(thhpt!) will always be marginally better than a zoom lens based on the
sheer physics of it.. Less glass which can be specifically corrected for a
given length that doesn't need to be optimized for a range of lengths.
Will the difference be noticiable by mortal humans? Probably not, though.

http://www.infotainment.org       <->     more fun than a poke in your eye.
http://www.eighteenpercent.com    <->     photography and portfolio.

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