Stephen, please define "we" as you used the word below.


> On Jun 12, 2014, at 5:10 PM, "Stephen C. Rose" <> wrote:
> Triadic Philosophy honors Peirce by claiming that it is a tiny offshoot of 
> what he came to mean by the term pragmaticism. This term was his evolution of 
> pragmatism. Pragmaticism is a bastion against the dominant notion that we are 
> all reality is. We are not all of reality. Our individual perceptions are not 
> all reality. Before we are, reality is. After we are, reality remains. 
> Pragmaticism opens the door to a metaphysics based precisely on the premise 
> that by our fruits we shall be known. It is a now metaphysics. It proves out. 
> It is not supposition.
> We are inevitably social. We are capable of achieving a sense of 
> universality. This universal sense distinguishes Triadic Philosophy.
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