Stephen, It appeared to me that you had hijacked the term "pragmaticism", and I 
still think you might have. Peirce was an idealist, and the idea that 'we are 
reality,' if "we" means those of us whose essence is our mind, is a cornerstone 
of pragmaticism. In this sense there never was a reality before we came into 
being and there would be no reality after us.
   The Buddhist logicians Dignaga and Dharmakirti, who were objective 
idealists, concluded that there could never have been a before "us" and there 
will never be an after us. I came to see things their way. (Although I was 
warned that my source, the translations and explanations by Th. Stcherbatsky, 
circa 1932, are too "post-Kantian".) I'm not sure what Peirce thought of the 
time before us but I suspect he agreed with the Buddhist logicians.


> On Jun 13, 2014, at 10:51 PM, "Stephen C. Rose" <> wrote:
> "All people" is my definition of "we" in the following statement:  "We are 
> inevitably social. We are capable of achieving a sense of universality. This 
> universal sense distinguishes Triadic Philosophy." Triadic philosophy regards 
> most accepted divisions among human beings as secondary to a fundamental 
> unity which transcends them all.
> @stephencrose
>> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Matt Faunce <> wrote:
>> Stephen, please define "we" as you used the word below.
>> Matt
>>> On Jun 12, 2014, at 5:10 PM, "Stephen C. Rose" <> wrote:
>>> Triadic Philosophy honors Peirce by claiming that it is a tiny offshoot of 
>>> what he came to mean by the term pragmaticism. This term was his evolution 
>>> of pragmatism. Pragmaticism is a bastion against the dominant notion that 
>>> we are all reality is. We are not all of reality. Our individual 
>>> perceptions are not all reality. Before we are, reality is. After we are, 
>>> reality remains. Pragmaticism opens the door to a metaphysics based 
>>> precisely on the premise that by our fruits we shall be known. It is a now 
>>> metaphysics. It proves out. It is not supposition.
>>> We are inevitably social. We are capable of achieving a sense of 
>>> universality. This universal sense distinguishes Triadic Philosophy.
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