
> On Sep 4, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Frederik Stjernfelt <> wrote:
> Let me redescribe my claim. Physics, taken in itself, does not study 
> cognition and communication processes - biology does. 

Perhaps you are seeking to express a more metaphysical argument about the 
relationships among the basic sciences?

In Diagrammatology, p. 208, figure 29, entitled “Receptor-motor coupling", you 
index several nominal objects which are a consequence of chains of reasoning 
about natural objects.  

These objects can all be viewed as exact consequences of third-order 
cybernetical relations encoded by the E coli genome (DNA) and embodied in 
material codes.  BTW, do you refer to these objects as signs? symbols? or 

Do you consider these indexes given in Figure 29 to be parts of biological 
“communication processes”?


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