Dear Stan, Gary, lists -
I think intersubjectivity is widely different from social constructivism.
Husserl's take on the former is that objectivity is the correlate to 
intersubjectivity, and despite his (prudent) caution with the subject-object 
terminology, I think Peirce's theory of science with truth in the limit of 
collective investigation over time amounts to a similar idea.
Social constructivism, by contrast, takes also the contents of scientific 
investigation to be but dependent variables on the changing social instiution 
and power struggles of science, effectively precluding any truth in the limit.

Den 15/09/2014 kl. 00.06 skrev Gary Fuhrman 

Stan, my answer to your question (below) is a little different from Edwina’s, 
but similar.

From: Stanley N Salthe [<>]
Sent: 14-Sep-14 3:44 PM

Gary noted [quoting Peirce]:

Consciousness may mean any one of the three categories. But if it is to mean 
Thought it is more without us than within. It is we that are in it, rather than 
it in any of us” (letter to James, Nov. 1902).

S: Why is this not just the ‘Intersubjectivity’ of the social constructivism 
perspective?  That is, it is 'out there only in the sense of being in, or 
saturating, a particular historical moment.

GF: We are indeed immersed in intersubjectivity when we engage in scientific 
thought. But we are also relying on the assumption that the phenomena which are 
the objects of our study (including those that are general or typical) have 
their being independently of our construction of theories about them, which 
entails that actual experience can tell us if those theories are false. Social 
constructivism, as I understand the term, does not include that assumption. And 
that’s the difference, as I see it.

gary f.

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