On Sep 29, 2014, at 10:38 AM, Benjamin wrote:
By the way, I think that we should remind or inform readers that many physicists, when they speak of 'realism', mean ideas such as that a particle has an objective, determinate state, even when unmeasured.

Goble: I think the ultimately problem is that most physicists (like most scientists) are nominalists and thus to make a realist claim requires knowing what the singulars are. Yet most physicists don’t think they know the singulars. This leads to problems for a nominalist that a scholastic realist like Peirce doesn’t face.

Now I think physicists would do well to jettison nominalism.

HP: To get a fairer picture of how physicists think, please peruse <http://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.1069v1.pdf>this survey.

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