> On Sep 30, 2014, at 7:24 AM, Howard Pattee <hpat...@roadrunner.com> wrote:
> At 08:58 PM 9/29/2014, Clark Goble wrote:
>>> HP: To get a fairer picture of how physicists think, please peruse this 
>>> survey <http://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.1069v1.pdf>.
>> CG: I'd seen that before. While it's a great guide to interpretations of 
>> quantum mechanics it really doesn't address the nominalism issue.
> HP: I'm curious how you would state the nominalism issue? In my view, in at 
> least half the questions the answers imply a pro- or anti-nominalistic stance 
> (Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 15).

To me nominalism is whether there are just particular things and not real 
generals. I don’t quite see how whether there’s really randomness (a property 
of the fundamental things), whether there are hidden variables, whether one 
should take a more epistemic view of QM, the role or the observer or so forth 
apply. Even with regards to interpretations of QM I’m not sure those get at the 
issue, although they are closer.

For instance, within the Everett MWI what are the ultimate constituents? 
Likewise with information-theoretical interpretations is the information the 
fundamental things? If so then if that’s all there is, isn’t that nominalism?

So I confess I’m a bit confused. Admittedly with regards to quantum mechanics 
things are odd enough that one has to unpack a lot. Further the authors note 
that a lot of the terms are intentionally left unpacked. So it’s not even clear 
how we are to take the terms. (Which I think is a bad thing in a poll like this 
where there may be ignorance or equivocation with regards to the terms)

Since you appear to think those question imply many physicists aren’t 
nominalists, could you perhaps clarify why? Maybe I’m just thinking about this 
all wrong.

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