At 02:57 PM 2/17/2015, Sungchul Ji wrote:
Howard wrote Statements (021715-1) and (021715-3) which seem to me to focus on only one aspect of the irreducibly triadic process known as 'semiosis':

HP: Yes. I was focusing one aspect -- the syntactic communication of information. All other aspects of interpretation must take place before and after information enters this physical communication channel. That isolation of interpretation is why this aspect of communication works so well.

Sung: No communication/discussion/semiosis is possible without all of the three kinds of the sign-object relations. . . which contrasts with the following statement:

HP: "At this level I see no reason to introduce indices and icons."

HP: That is correct, only I should have stated the point more forcefully: At this level -- the physical communication of information -- any introduction of semantics by icons, indices, or interpretation of any kind (beyond the syntactic communication rules) would distort the message being communicated.


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