
Ben, Cathy, Jerry, List,

What I like to call the "ICE formula", Information = Comprehension × Extension,
was already treated at length in the Harvard and Lowell Lectures of 1865-1866,
so I don't think it could have been the dicent theory of propositions, or any
ostensible shift from terms to propositions, that led Peirce to formulate it.

As always, I think it pays to study Peirce's early treatment of information,
as it affords a wealth of concrete detail, example, and motivation that is
often missing from his later accounts.

I can't say I've managed to rationalize Peirce's inclinations toward a theory
of information completely within my own frame of thought yet, but I have been
putting a fair amount of time into doing so.  My notes in progress are here:



On 3/8/2015 9:21 PM, Benjamin Udell wrote:
Cathy, list,

You wrote,

    QUESTIONS: In what sense, and to what degree might this
    'information' be measured? (If not in some absolute sense, then
    perhaps relatively, between propositions?) Doesn't the very notion
    of measuring this value conflict with Peirce's contrite fallibilism,
    which holds that what a given term will come to mean to us is not
    something that can be decided in advance of scientific inquiry? In
    other words, scientific terms can hold a great deal of implicit
    information as well as the explicit information that scientists are
    working with at a given time.
    [End quote]

Presumably the information to be quantified is not that of what a given term 
will come to mean to us, but rather that of
what it means to us now - the difference between making our ideas true, as 
Peirce put it, and making our ideas clear.
What it means to us now is what we now conceive to be its practical bearing in 
general on conduct.

I have to admit I have little to say about how to quantify comprehension, 
denotation, information in Peirce's sense. I
did find this passage:

Writings 1:342-343, Logic Notebook Dec. 15, 1865

    In the formula

        Extension × Intension = Implication

    we may have the values

        (1) 0 × 0 = 0
        (2) 0 × n = 0
        (3) 0 × ∞ = 0
        (4) 0 × ∞ = n
        (5) 0 × ∞ = ∞
        (6) n × 0 = 0
        (7) n × n = n
        (8) n × ∞ = ∞
        (9) ∞ × 0 = 0
        (10) ∞ × 0 = n
        (11) ∞ × 0 = ∞
        (12) ∞ × n = ∞
        (13) ∞ × ∞ = ∞

    (7) will be the case with any ordinary symbol.

    (4) is the ordinary nothing.

    (10) the ordinary being.

    These are the cases when Implication is n. Now for those where it is 0.

    (6) is the case of a sign, (2) of a copy.

    (1) would be a sign of nothing or a copy of being which are
    undetermined to be representations.

    (9) would be being supposing it were not known to be, or being
    considered abstractly of the fact that it is.

    (3) would be nothing abstracting from the fact that there is
    anything so that its opposition is taken away.

    A being which isn't, would be a nothing which is unopposed to
    anything; hence being abstracted from the fact that it is is
    abstracted from all that makes it differ from nothing abstracted
    from its opposition and vice versa.

    We will now take up the cases where the implication = ∞. (12) is
    being of which some determinate quality is supposed to be known.

    (8) is a contradiction it being implied that it exists.

    (13) is being which is supposed to have all attributes.

    (11) would purport to be a complete list of all beings.

    (5) would purport to be a complete conjunction of all attributes.
    [End quote]

You wrote,

    QUESTION: How does Peirce attempt to draw the distinction, in the
    two cases Frederik catalogues?
    [End quote]

I can't think of anything to say about this either, though the question of 
natural vs. artificial kinds is quite
interesting to me. Similar question in mathematics: Are primes a natural kind? 
What about the class of functions that
share a certain first derivative? The class of pairs of integers that sum to a 
certain integer?

You wrote,

    List: if you tell me what you think then I will tell you what I think.
    [End quote]

I haven't done too well, nobody else has replied, I guess you ask tough 
questions, but anyway at this point I'm
interested in hearing what you think.

Best, Ben

On 3/3/2015 2:41 PM, Catherine Legg wrote:

Picking up again where I left off...

The logical tradition that Peirce was responding to with his piece "Logical 
Extension and Comprehension" was basically
a 'term logic', according to which this rough formula held:

Breadth x Depth = k (where k is some constant)

This implies: the larger the extension (breadth), the smaller the intension 
(depth). This formula seems to work for
classic terms such as "blue", which covers more things but is correspondingly less 
precise than, say, "baby blue". Or
"vehicle" which covers more things but is less precise than, say "nuclear 

However, Peirce's shift from terms to propositions as a basic analysis of 
meaning allows him to question some of this
framework. A proposition is now not a simple 'multiplication' of two 'similar 
quantities'. A proposition requires two
separate functionalities. The part which provides the extension (the subject) 
functions indexically, and the part
which provides the intension (the predicate) functions iconically.

Stjernfelt points out that, under this framework, "far from being a constant, 
Breadth x Depth gives a measure of the
amount of information inherent in a proposition" (which can be higher or 
lower). He notes that Peirce still retained
this idea 25 years later in Kaina Stoicheia.

*QUESTIONS: In what sense, and to what degree might this 'information' be 
measured? (If not in some absolute sense,
then perhaps relatively, between propositions?) Doesn't the very notion of 
measuring this value conflict with Peirce's
contrite fallibilism, which holds that what a given term will come to mean to 
us is not something that can be decided
in advance of scientific inquiry? In other words, scientific terms can hold a 
great deal of implicit information as
well as the explicit information that scientists are working with at a given 
time. *

Probably in the light of this kind of worry, Peirce sets himself the task to 
trying to analytically define what is a
'natural class'. For natural classes are precisely those which bear future 
inquiry, yielding up implicit information
to be made explicit. As Peirce says, think how much more "electricity" means 
now than in the days of Dalton. Whereas
an a non-natural ("artificial") class - has nothing more to tell us apart from 
the way it was already defined. Peirce
gives the example of 'cow' as a natural class and 'red cow' as artificial.

To this end, he draws two sets of mysterious diagrams, as a kind of experiment, 
possibly unfinished. This seems to be
an experiment in defining "properties" or "marks" in the most minimal way 
possible, then varying them in the most
minimal ways possible, to try to decide what groupings our scientific inquirer 
might decide are 'natural'. This is not
a simple matter of making a class for each property, as we do not have a 
distinction between natural and artificial

*QUESTION: How does Peirce attempt to draw the distinction, in the two cases 
Frederik catalogues?*

List: if you tell me what you think then I will tell you what I think.

Cheers, Cathy


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