
Yes, that is exactly it, thank you so much!

-- Franklin

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 8:30 PM, Jon Awbrey <> wrote:

> Franklin,
> This looks like the post you had in mind:
> BU:
> BU:
> Regards,
> Jon
> On 4/20/2015 8:21 PM, Franklin Ransom wrote:
>> Jon, Ben, lists,
>> Whoops! Sorry about that! I guess it just struck me as a "Jon" kind of
>> thing to do, with the slow reads going on about Peirce's earlier logical
>> works. I apologize for the mistake!
>> -- Franklin
>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Jon Awbrey <> wrote:
>>  Franklin, List,
>>> I think that was Ben Udell.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon
>>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 7:30 PM, Franklin Ransom <
>>> wrote:
>>> Cathy, Frederik, lists,
>>> Yes, Frederik, that makes sense to me. As I mentioned in my previous
>>> post,
>>> counting qualities or characters doesn't seem to be helpful. Although it
>>> should be possible to enumerate them, to a point, for the purpose of some
>>> inquiry.
>>> As I recall, Jon Awbrey in the last month or two referenced a text from
>>> Peirce about the multiplication of breadth and depth using symbols like
>>> 1,
>>> 0, and the infinity loop, to distinguish cases such as essential depth
>>> and
>>> breadth, substantial depth and breadth, the idea of nothing, the idea of
>>> being, etc. If infinity was indeed used then, Peirce had certainly
>>> contemplated infinite depth and infinite breadth, although perhaps not
>>> simply in the sense of counting with no end, but in the direct sense of
>>> being that which is without limit, so depth without limit or breadth
>>> without limit.
>>> -- Franklin
>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Frederik Stjernfelt <>
>>> wrote:
>>>    Dear Franklin, Cathy, Lists -
>>>> A small clarification: Peirce's *BxD=A* idea, I think, should not be
>>>> taken a device for the arithmetic calculation of exact information size
>>>> -
>>>> it is rather the proposal of a general law relating Breadth and Depth.
>>>> His
>>>> idea comes from the simple idea that when intension is zero, there is no
>>>> information, while when extension is zero, there is also no information
>>>> -
>>>> and that is the relation of the two factors in a product.  (It is a bit
>>>> like his first Boole-inspired definition of universal quantification as
>>>> a
>>>> product - he defines truth as 1, falsity as 0,  then, in order to be
>>>> true,
>>>> each single case of a universal proposition should be true - if any
>>>> single
>>>> one of them is false, the total product of them all will be zero.)
>>>> The BXD=A idea allows him to investigate what happens if intension or
>>>> extension are in- or decreased, etc. - even if not being able to express
>>>> that in precise numbers.
>>>>   Best
>>>> F
>>>>   Den 20/04/2015 kl. 01.14 skrev Franklin Ransom <
>>>>   Cathy, lists,
>>>>   Well, look at this way: It is possible for there to be objects in the
>>>> senses which are yet not perceived, because we do not yet have any idea
>>>> of
>>>> what it is to which we are looking. It takes a hypothesis to introduce a
>>>> new idea to us to explain what it is, which hypothesis we can then put
>>>> to
>>>> the test. In order to do so, we must determine what kinds of characters
>>>> to
>>>> look for (deduction helps here) and then look for existent objects
>>>> (induction) to learn whether the purported relations between characters
>>>> obtain in fact, and in this way we come to understand the thing which we
>>>> are experiencing. It is of course induction which gives us more
>>>> information; abduction simply gives us the idea which needs to become
>>>> informed, and deduction is merely explicative, based on relating the
>>>> idea
>>>> to other ideas and previously gathered information regarding those
>>>> ideas.
>>>>   Obviously, we cannot conduct induction without end, because that is a
>>>> practical impossibility. Our 'sum', as you put it, far from being
>>>> always an
>>>> infinity, will very likely never be an infinity in practice, in whatever
>>>> sense you mean to understand the application of infinity to a 'sum' of
>>>> information. Of course, as an ideal, where science, the community of
>>>> inquiry as such, continues to investigate, it is possible for the
>>>> information of an idea to reach a much greater 'sum' than would
>>>> otherwise
>>>> be possible for individuals such as you or me. But it is a commonplace
>>>> of
>>>> science that ideas that work and continue to work are understood more
>>>> thoroughly in their relations to other ideas over the course on inquiry.
>>>> This means of course that not only the breadth, but also the depth of
>>>> the
>>>> idea continues to grow. As a result, typically, rather than tending to
>>>> make
>>>> comparisons moot, we start to see a hierarchy of ideas and related
>>>> sciences
>>>> appear.
>>>>   Consider this passage: "The former [Cows] is a natural class, the
>>>> latter [Red Cows] is not. Now one predicate more may be attached to Red
>>>> Cows than to Cows; hence Mr. Mill's attempts to analyze the difference
>>>> between natural and artificial classes is seen to be a failure. For,
>>>> according to him, the difference is that a real kind is distinguished by
>>>> unknown multitudes of properties while an artificial class has only a
>>>> few
>>>> determinate ones. Again there is an unusual degree of accordance among
>>>> naturalists in making Vertebrates a natural class. Yet the number of
>>>> predicates proper to it is comparatively small" (NP, p.238, quoting
>>>> Peirce). We can see here that further simplifications are introduced, so
>>>> taking what is learned about various vertebrates, a new idea, that of
>>>> vertebrates, appears which simplifies the characters involved.
>>>> Conversely,
>>>> species under vertebrates will become much more determinate in terms of
>>>> their characters, but be simplified with respect to their extension.
>>>>   You said above: "Under synechism every real object has an infinite
>>>> number of attributes, and every meaningful predicate or general term
>>>> effectively has an infinite number of aspects, so a simple
>>>> multiplication
>>>> of B x D is pointless." And yet natural kinds appear, in which certain
>>>> attributes, predicates, or aspects appear significant, and others do
>>>> not.
>>>> It is precisely the work of abduction to simplify what is observed so
>>>> that
>>>> what is essential is grasped, and not simply a never-ending multitude of
>>>> characters. Such simplification is always with respect to a purpose.
>>>> With
>>>> respect to natural kinds, such purpose, or telos, is objective, and we
>>>> see
>>>> nature all around us selecting certain characters over others as more
>>>> significant. If this were not true, natural science would be
>>>> impossible. As
>>>> to real objects, yes they have an infinite number, but not all of them
>>>> are
>>>> relevant to the purpose of interaction with the real object. Certain
>>>> meaningful attributes are selected for in attention in order to aid
>>>> conduct
>>>> with respect to some purpose at hand. Information relevant to that
>>>> purpose
>>>> is what is sought for.
>>>>   I do have a couple of questions for you:
>>>>   For one, would you explain the idea that propositions can't be
>>>> counted?
>>>> I would suppose that when conducting an experiment, the number of times
>>>> a
>>>> fact is determined relates to developing a frequency ratio, which means
>>>> that propositions can be counted in this case, when they are instances
>>>> of
>>>> the same kind or type, or close enough. But if we are talking about
>>>> propositions which are all different from each other, than I can see the
>>>> point, because that is like trying to count qualities, which isn't very
>>>> helpful for comparison. But of course, that's not the same thing as
>>>> having
>>>> so many propositions that they go to infinity and thus can't be counted
>>>> for
>>>> that reason. Is this what is meant, that there are supposed to be so
>>>> many
>>>> propositions that they go to infinity? Perhaps it would be helpful if
>>>> you
>>>> referenced the text where Peirce mentions this.
>>>>   For two, you said "Even an artifically generated term such as 'red'
>>>> and
>>>> 'cow' will still partake of the surprisingness of 'cow' and 'red' taken
>>>> on
>>>> their own." What does surprisingness have to do with what we're
>>>> discussing?
>>>>   -- Franklin
>>>> On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Catherine Legg <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>     Hi Franklin,
>>>>>   Sorry for taking so long to reply. Thanks for setting me straight on
>>>>> Peirce still using the idea of breadth x depth later on in his career.
>>>>> I
>>>>> have to say though that I don't understand how such a metric might
>>>>> work in
>>>>> the later semiotic, just because it seems to me that the result of
>>>>> such a
>>>>> 'sum' will *always* be an infinity of an extremely high order, so any
>>>>> comparisons seem moot. As Peirce notes, propositions can't be counted.
>>>>> Even
>>>>> an artifically generated term such as 'red' and 'cow' will still
>>>>> partake of
>>>>> the surprisingness of 'cow' and 'red' taken on their own.
>>>>>   Best regards,
>>>>>   Cathy
> --
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