At 10:20 AM 4/21/2015, Frederik Stjernfelt wrote:
Howard said: There are no a priori foods as illustrated by the many <>extremotrophs.

FS: Haha! But that is not the argument. The argument that the categories food and poison are a priori, not which substances are nourishing or poisonous for the single type of organism.

HP: I would say your statement that food and poison are a priori categories is only a proposition. It is not an argument. I agree that your realist mental construct of an abstract or universal category like food is logically irrefutable (except to me it violates parsimony).

So I will only restate the empiricist's concept of food as whatever organisms actually eat that keeps them alive. In evolutionary terms survival is the only pragmatic test. How do logic and universal categories explain anything more?


FS: As indicated, this is not the Kantian conception of a priori. For those interested in the competing notion of a priori, see ch. 8 of my Diagrammatology (2007). Or Barry Smith's "In Defense of Extreme (Fallibilistic) Apriorism" ( )

HP: The Smith paper was confusing. Smith concludes: "Certain pre-empirical synthetic intrinsically plausible propositions thus require ontological correlates which are their truth-makers. Hence, there are intelligible structures in the world, which we could also call 'a priori structures'."
How are these structures distinguished from the concept of natural laws?
I would not say the exact laws which involve empirical matter, like the size of constants.


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