
On Nov 19, 2015, at 1:46 PM, Clark Goble wrote:

> Men many times fancy that
> they act from reason when, in point of fact, the reasons they attribute
> to themselves are nothing but excuses which unconscious instinct invents
> to satisfy the teasing “why’s” of the ego. The extent of this
> self-delusion is such as to render philosophical rationalism a farce.
> (EP 2.32)

CSP's training as a chemist provided him a rich vocabulary of emergent terms 
and emergent relationships that are simply not available in the ordinary 
language of philosophy. 
An example of what is meant is amply illustrated by the trichotomy and the role 
of chemical radicals as the essential and logically necessary linkage between 
symbols of indexes of mathematics and mathematical icons and logical arguments 
founded on the rhema. (3.420)

Thus, while CSP's usage of the term "farce" may not be a complete description 
of philosophy, it make a definitive categorical statement. 

I have often amused myself, when reading this list, by pondering the question, 
"What would CSP have thought about this egotistical narrative?"

The result has been many hearty chuckles!   ;-)

The natural sciences are vastly more perplex than we can yet imagine. The game 
is just beginning.



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