Matt, CP 2.303 is from Baldwin’s Dictionary, 1901-2. CP 1.138 is dated c.1899 
in CP.


Gary f.



From: Matt Faunce [] 
Sent: 29-Dec-15 17:56


On 12/29/15 5:40 PM, Matt Faunce wrote:


What year was CP 1.303 written?

I meant, CP 2.303 

I remember hearing Richard J. Bernstein mention in an online lecture that one 
sad consequence of Peirce's ostracization from academia is that he sometimes 
contradicted himself when he probably otherwise wouldn't have. If there's a 
seeming contradiction, I, of course, first look to see if it's just my 
misinterpretation, but second, I look to see if the two items that contradict 
come from two different eras of Peirce's thought. Is that the case here, with 
CP 2.303 and CP 1.138?


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