Dear list:

*“The starting-point of the universe, God the Creator, is the Absolute
First; the terminus of the universe, God completely revealed, is the
Absolute Second; every state of the universe at a measurable point of time
is the third.*

*First and Second**, Agent and Patient, Yes and No, are categories which
enable us roughly to describe the facts of experience, and they satisfy the
mind for a very long time.”*


*"Philip said <> to Him,
<> “Lord,
<> show
<> us
<> the
<> Father, and
<> that will be enough
<> for us.”

*Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you
do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. *

*How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?*

*So the Jews gathered around him and said to him, “How long will you keep
us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”*

*Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. *

*Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to
hear my word.*

*The Jews picked up stones again to stone him… *

*Again they sought to arrest him, but he escaped from their hands."*

 ~Selections from Gospel of John


Jerry R

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <>

> Edwina, List:
> ET:  When you say that *some *of Peirce's positions are perfectly clear
> and not reasonably disputable - again, this is your opinion.
> Are you claiming here that *none* of Peirce's positions are perfectly
> clear and not reasonably disputable--i.e., that *all* of his positions
> are at least somewhat murky, and thus open for debate?  Is there *anything
> *that you would confidently assert to be Peirce's position, without
> qualifying it as merely your interpretation or opinion?
> ET:   I happen to disagree with your view of Peirce's view on 'god- as
> 'creator of the three universes.
> My view is that in Peirce's belief, God as *Ens necessarium* is Really
> creator of all three Universes of Experience.  Peirce wrote, in CP 6.452,
> "The word 'God' ... is *the *definable proper name, signifying *Ens
> necessarium*; in my belief Really creator of all three Universes of
> Experience."  What is the basis for your disagreement with me about
> Peirce's view on this--i.e., what meaningful difference do you see between
> my statement of it and his own?
> ET:  I completely disagree with you on the above.
> My view is that Peirce's view is that all signs are genuine triads, and
> thus must be in the universe of representations.  Peirce wrote, in CP
> 1.480, "a triad if genuine cannot be in the world of quality nor in that of
> fact," which means that it can only be "in the universe of
> *representations*."  What is the basis for your disagreement with me
> about Peirce's view on this--i.e., what meaningful difference do you see
> between my statement of it and his own?
> ET:  A quality IS a qualisign! ... There is no such thing as a 'quality'
> in itself.
> Are you saying that *all *qualities are *also *qualisigns--i.e., tthat
> here is no distinction between the two?  If so, do you believe that this
> was Peirce's view, as well?  If so, based on what specific passages in his
> writings?
> Thanks,
> Jon
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Edwina Taborsky <>
> wrote:
>> 1) Jon - When you say that *some* of Peirce's positions are perfectly
>> clear and not reasonably disputable - again, this is your opinion. I happen
>> to disagree with your view of Peirce's view on 'god- as 'creator of the
>> three universes. You have your opinion - and again, I think it is incorrect
>> for you to declare that you 'read' Peirce 'exactly correctly'.
>> 2) Now - when you write:
>> "My example was a qualisign, which as a *quality* (as well as an icon
>> and rheme) is entirely in the mode of Firstness, but as a *sign*--at
>> least, according to Peirce in CP 1.480--can only belong to the third
>> Universe."
>> I completely disagree with you on the above. The whole triad - a rhematic
>> iconic qualisign - is entirely in the mode of Firstness and *is a sign*.
>> And does NOT belong to the third Universe. There is no such thing as a
>> single relation i.e.,the Representamen-Object,  existing on its own. The
>> triad of all three relations *is irreducible*. O-R; R-R; R-I.  None of
>> these exist on their own but within the triad. A Qualisign is a quality, a
>> feeling - and is not in the 'third Universe'.
>> A quality IS a qualisign! There is no such thing as something operating
>> outside of the triad. There is no such thing as a 'quality' in itself.
>> The definition of a sign is its triadic set of Relations: That between
>> the Representamen and the Object; that of the Representamen in itself; that
>> between the Representamen and the Interpretant. The Representamen acts as
>> mediation - and *can be in a mode of Firstness.  *An Interpretant is not
>> an Object but is an 'output' interpretation linked by the Representamen to
>> the stimuli of the Object.
>> And again - of the ten classes of SIGNS, four of them do NOT have their
>> Representamen operating in a mode of Thirdness. That includes the genuine
>> sign of a rhematic iconic qualisign; and the Dicent Indexical Sinsign...
>> And yet - these are legitimate SIGNS.  They have no Thirdness in them at
>> all.
>> See 2.227 and on.
>> Again, the triad is basic to semiosis; it does not necessarily require
>> Thirdness in its component [again, see the ten classes 2.227..] and ..there
>> is no such thing as a 'quality' or indeed anything, functioning outside of
>> the semiosic triad.
>> Edwina
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Jon Alan Schmidt <>
>> *To:* Edwina Taborsky <>
>> *Cc:* Peirce-L <>
>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:42 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Cosmology
>> Edwina, List:
>> ET:  We each read him a different way and I don't think that you have the
>> right to self-define yourself as someone who is 'one-with-Peirce'.
>> Those are your words, not mine; I have *never *claimed to be "one with
>> Peirce."  What I *have *claimed is that *some *of Peirce's positions are
>> perfectly clear and not reasonably disputable, whether I happen to agree
>> with him or not.  That he believed in the Reality of God as *Ens
>> necessarium*, Creator of all three Universes of Experience, is one of
>> those--and I *do *happen to agree with him about that.  At the same
>> time, this is not to say that his entire "view of Mind and creation" was
>> identical to my own; I am quite certain that it was not.
>> ET:  I think that many others have to read Peirce - and - your and my
>> comments - and make up their minds as to how 'accurately' we interpret him.
>> On this, we are in complete agreement.
>> ET:  I read 6.455 differently than you do - I don't see that eg the
>> mathematical reasoning is in a categorical mode of Firstness. It IS pure
>> ideational - which would be, in the ten classes, a pure Argument [symbolic
>> legisign argment O-R-I]; that is - ENTIRELY IN THIRDNESS.
>> Again, this conflates the *mode *of a sign with the Universe of
>> Experience to which it belongs, although I am not even sure that all
>> mathematical reasoning should be assigned to the Universe of Ideas.  My
>> example was a qualisign, which as a *quality* (as well as an icon and
>> rheme) is entirely in the mode of Firstness, but as a *sign*--at least,
>> according to Peirce in CP 1.480--can only belong to the third Universe.
>> ET:  I don't see that a qualisign - one entirely in a mode of Firstness -
>> has any 'active power to establish connections between different objects'
>> and therefore, I simply don't see how you can declare that it belongs to
>> 'Thirdness'.
>> If something does not have "active power to establish connections between
>> different objects," then it is not a *sign *at all--in this case, it is
>> merely a *quality*, rather than a *qualisign*.  The very definition of
>> what it means to *be *a sign is that it is able to connect different
>> objects--specifically, an object with an interpretant.
>> ET:  With regard to your reading of 1.480- Peirce refers to THREE kinds
>> of 'genuine triads'.
>> Yes, he does; but he also goes on to say that "a triad if genuine cannot
>> be in the world of quality nor in that of fact," which means that all three
>> kinds of genuine triads can only be "in the universe of *representations*."
>>  Again, this is not about the *mode *of the sign, which can be in any of
>> the three categories, but about the *Universe of Experience *where it
>> belongs.  Peirce then adds, "Indeed, representation necessarily involves a
>> genuine triad.  For it involves a sign, or representamen, of some kind,
>> outward or inward, mediating between an object and an interpreting
>> thought.  Now this is neither a matter of fact, since thought is general,
>> nor is it a matter of law, since thought is living."  Here we see that
>> *all* representation--i.e., all sign-action, all semeiosis--necessarily
>> involves a genuine triad, which can only be in the third Universe precisely 
>> *because
>> *it mediates between an object and interpretant.  We also see that
>> "thought is general" and "thought is living," which is another way of
>> saying that thought is Thirdness--which makes sense, since all thought is
>> in *signs*.
>> Regards,
>> Jon
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Edwina Taborsky <>
>> wrote:
>>> Jon- I don't think you can move into saying 'If I [Jon] am wrong inthis,
>>> then Peirce was wrong]. We remain, all of us, readers of Peirce - and
>>> thus - interpreters. We each read him a different way and I don't think
>>> that you have the right to self-define yourself as someone who
>>> is 'one-with-Peirce'. I think that many others have to read Peirce - and -
>>> your and my comments - and make up their minds as to how 'accurately' we
>>> interpret him.
>>> For example - I consider that EVERYTHING is semiosic - whereas, I'm not
>>> sure what meaning you assign to the word. For me - all actions within the
>>> physico-chemical, biological and socioconceptual world are semiosic - and
>>> don't need human agency to be such. Again, 'matter is effete mind'.
>>> I read 6.455 differently than you do - I don't see that eg the
>>> mathematical reasoning is in a categorical mode of Firstness. It IS pure
>>> ideational - which would be, in the ten classes, a pure Argument [symbolic
>>> legisign argment O-R-I]; that is - ENTIRELY IN THIRDNESS.
>>>  So, i don't equate the three universes to match the three categories.
>>> The quotation you provide "I said that a thoroughly genuine triad in a
>>> mode of Firstness (i.e., a qualisign) belongs to the third Universe of
>>> Experience, as something "*whose being consists in active power to
>>> establish connections between different objects"* (CP 6.455). .....I
>>> consider that this *quote **refers to Thirdness*. And therefore - I
>>> don't see that a qualisign - one entirely in a mode of Firstness - has any
>>> 'active power to establish connections between different objects' and
>>> therefore, I simply don't see how you can declare that it belongs to
>>> 'Thirdness'.
>>> With regard to your reading of 1.480- Peirce refers to THREE kinds of
>>> 'genuine triads'. I read a genuine triad as operational in* A* quality
>>> and in* A* fact. So- 1-1-1, a qualisign, is a triad in a total mode of
>>> Firstness; it is a 'feeling of redness' but it is NOT the same as a 
>>> *thoroughly
>>> genuine triad*' which involves generality or Thirdness. A 2-2-2 or
>>> Dicent Sinsign is a triad in a total mode of Secondness, eg, a weathervane
>>> - but it is not the same as a *thoroughly genuine triad* which involves
>>> generality or Thirdness. So,  again, a triad in a mode of Firstness does
>>> not, in my readings of Peirce, belong in 'the Third universe'; there is *no
>>> generality*. Firstness has no capacity to 'make connections', to
>>> mediate, to connect. That is the nature of Firstness - its isolate
>>> vividness.
>>> So- we disagree in our readings.
>>> As for your interpretation of God and Peirce - I maintain that it
>>> remains your interpretation and that Peirce's view of Mind and creation  -
>>> is quite different from yours.
>>> Edwina
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* Jon Alan Schmidt <>
>>> *To:* Edwina Taborsky <>
>>> *Cc:* Peirce-L <>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 13, 2016 4:13 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Cosmology
>>> Edwina, List:
>>> I try to be careful about only attributing to Peirce, rather than
>>> myself, those things that strike me as incontrovertibly clear in his
>>> writings--things that the vast majority of Peirce scholars recognize to be
>>> HIS views, as expressed in those writings.  I do not subscribe to the
>>> approach that all interpretations are equally valid; while there can
>>> certainly be legitimate differences, there are also objectively
>>> *incorrect* readings, assuming (as Gary F. once put it) that Peirce
>>> said what he meant and meant what he said.  Of course, I am (very)
>>> fallible, so I may (and probably do) overreach in some cases.  I even
>>> conceded in my last post, "We might quibble about these particular
>>> assignments of the labels, which are just off the top of my head."  The
>>> overall point remains--Peirce *did not* limit the categories to
>>> semeiosis, as you apparently do.  If you are right to do so, then not only
>>> am I wrong about this, but Peirce was also wrong about it.
>>> There seems to be a particular terminological difficulty with the word
>>> "mode."  I did not say "that a pure or genuine triad in a mode of Firstness
>>> [O-R-I all in a mode of Firstness] belongs in a *mode* of
>>> representation," I said that a thoroughly genuine triad in a mode of
>>> Firstness (i.e., a qualisign) belongs to the third Universe of Experience,
>>> as something "whose being consists in active power to establish connections
>>> between different objects" (CP 6.455).  In some contexts, the categories do
>>> correspond to modes, such as possible/actual/habitual; but not always.  In
>>> any case, what I said is perfectly consistent with what Peirce wrote in CP
>>> 1.480 (not CP 1.515, as I indicated in my response to Jeff)--"a triad if
>>> genuine cannot be in the world of quality nor in that of fact ... But a
>>> *thoroughly* genuine triad is separated entirely from those worlds and
>>> exists in the universe of *representations*."  So I am not the only one
>>> claiming that "it belongs primarily to the third Universe"--Peirce did, as
>>> well.  If I am wrong about this, then Peirce was also wrong about it.
>>> Finally, there is nothing to debate with respect to whether Peirce
>>> believed in the Reality of God as *Ens necessarium* and Creator of all
>>> three Universes of Experience--he says so plainly in CP 6.452.  If I am
>>> wrong about this, then Peirce was also wrong about it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon
>>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Edwina Taborsky <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Jon, you wrote:
>>>>  "For Peirce, the categories do not *only *function within the O-R-I
>>>> triad--for one thing, they are *everywhere *in his architectonic
>>>> arrangement of the sciences!"
>>>> PLEASE - do not write as if you alone are the sole interpreter of
>>>> Peirce. Therefore, please write something like: ' *In my [Jon Alan
>>>> Schmidt] interpretation, the categories of Peirce do not only function
>>>> within the O-R-I triad...etc etc.*
>>>> Do you see the difference? I am always careful to make it clear that
>>>> what I write is MY interpretation of Peirce. I do not write as if I had the
>>>> direct or correct view of  Peirce.
>>>> Now - to your points -
>>>> 1) With regard to genuine - I don't see that a  pure or genuine triad
>>>> in a mode of Firstness [O-R-I all in a mode of Firstness] belongs in a mode
>>>> of representation - and representation suggests Thirdness or the use of
>>>> some symbolic mediation. I simply don't see how you can claim that "it
>>>> belongs primarily to the Third Universe' [by which I am assuming that you
>>>> mean to Thirdness]??
>>>> Jeff has provided a quote: "For while a triad if genuine cannot be in
>>>> the world of quality nor in that of fact, yet it may be a mere law, or
>>>> regularity, of quality or of fact." 1.515***ET - I cannot find this quote
>>>> at 1.515.
>>>> However ,Peirce does write that 'Secondness is an essential part of
>>>> Thirdness...and Firstness is an essential element of both Secondness and
>>>> Thirdness' 1.530 - which is why I consider that the three categories are a
>>>> complex embedded function.
>>>> 2) Therefore I disagree with your aligning various sciences with the
>>>> categories. I don't think that his differentiation of the various sciences
>>>> etc has any real relationship to the categories. The categories, as I read
>>>> Peirce, refer to the phaneron- "the collective total of all that is in any
>>>> way or in any sense present to the mind quite regardless of whether it
>>>> corresponds to any real thing or not" 1.284
>>>> Jon, you wrote: "For sciences of discovery, mathematics as Firstness,
>>>> philosophy as Secondness, and special sciences as Thirdness; "
>>>> I don't see this. Peirce certainly classified the various fields of
>>>> studies - but not within the categories. Mathematics, which refers to
>>>> 'feelings and quality'? Philosophy referring to actual facts?
>>>> But he certainly classified fields of study into 'threes'. - and one
>>>> can see that some of the descriptions of the modal categories can be
>>>> loosely applied  - i.e., abduction does indeed have an element of 'feeling,
>>>> quality, freedom'; and induction does have an element of actual fact; and
>>>> deduction does have an element of necessity. But I think this is a loose
>>>> description for all three are, after all, aspects of reasoning [Thirdness].
>>>> 3) I don't see that Peirce accepted a pre-existent creator.
>>>> "Out of the womb of indeterminacy, we must say that there would have
>>>> come something, by the principle of Firstness, which we may call a flash.
>>>> Then by the principle of habit there would have been a second flash.
>>>> Thought time would not yet have been, this second flash was in some sense
>>>> after the first, because resulting from it" 1.412.
>>>> Now - this self-organized complexity didn't need a prior 'ens
>>>> necessarium'. I am aware, Jon, of your view of genesis and god, since you
>>>> have provided your supportive quotations from the Bible - which sees god as
>>>> an agential creator - but - I don't see that this Agential Force is
>>>> accepted by Peirce. Peirce sees 'Mind' as the agential force - an ongoing,
>>>> evolving, open force - and a part of matter - i.e., not separate from
>>>> matter- and therefore not prior to time or matter. [see his discussion in
>>>> the Reality of God - 6.489 ....
>>>> Edwina
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> *From:* Jon Alan Schmidt <>
>>>> *To:* Edwina Taborsky <>
>>>> *Cc:* Jeffrey Brian Downard <> ; Peirce-L
>>>> <>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 13, 2016 2:20 PM
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Cosmology
>>>> Edwina, List:
>>>> ET:  Your post outlines the three 'pure' triads where the Relations
>>>> between the Object-Representamen-Interpretant are all of one mode; all
>>>> in the mode of Firstness or Secondness or Thirdness.
>>>> I do not believe that Jeff's post was referring to the O-R-I relations
>>>> specifically, but rather to triadic relations in general, since that is
>>>> what Peirce discussed in the quoted paper.  In other words, O-R-I is not
>>>> the *only kind* of triad, even though it is probably the *paradigmatic
>>>> example *of a triad.
>>>> In any case, Peirce stated quite clearly that all *genuine *triads
>>>> belong to the world of representation, and not to the world of quality or
>>>> the world of fact.  These are undoubtedly what he later called the three
>>>> Universes of Experience--quality corresponds to Ideas, fact to Brute
>>>> Actuality, and representation to Signs.  However, this is not to say that
>>>> all signs are in the *mode *of Thirdness; i.e., Necessitants.  Even a
>>>> qualisign, which must be iconic and rhematic in its relations to its object
>>>> and interpretant, and thus is classified entirely in the mode of Firstness,
>>>> belongs primarily to the third Universe--its "being consists in active
>>>> power to establish connections between different objects."  However,
>>>> specifically as a *quali*sign--a quality that is a sign--it also, in
>>>> some sense, belongs to the first Universe.  Likewise, a sinsign belongs to
>>>> both the third Universe as a sign and the second Universe as an existent.
>>>> I am still thinking through how all of this works, including how the R-O
>>>> and R-I relations fit into the picture, so I would welcome input from
>>>> others on it.
>>>> ET:  As such the categories only function within the triad - the O-R-I
>>>> triad.
>>>> Perhaps this is our fundamental disagreement, at least when it comes to
>>>> this subject.  For Peirce, the categories do not *only *function
>>>> within the O-R-I triad--for one thing, they are *everywhere *in his
>>>> architectonic arrangement of the sciences!  For sciences of discovery,
>>>> mathematics as Firstness, philosophy as Secondness, and special sciences as
>>>> Thirdness; for philosophy, phenomenology (phaneroscopy) as Firstness,
>>>> normative sciences as Secondness, and metaphysics as Thirdness; for
>>>> normative sciences, esthetics as Firstness, ethics as Secondness, logic
>>>> (semeiotic) as Thirdness.  Within mathematics, the categories manifest as
>>>> monads, dyads, and triads; within phaneroscopy, as quality, reaction, and
>>>> representation; within metaphysics, as possibility, actuality, and
>>>> necessity (habituality); within logic, as speculative grammar, critic, and
>>>> methodeutic.  We might quibble about these particular assignments of the
>>>> labels, which are just off the top of my head, but the point is that
>>>> restricting the categories to semeiosis is decidedly contrary to Peirce's
>>>> own approach.
>>>> ET:  I don't see either that the 'pure or genuine Thirdness' - the
>>>> Symbolic Legisign Argument [O-R-I] can be an 'ens necessarium' because I
>>>> consider that our universe requires both Firstness and Secondness and I
>>>> therefore reject such a pre-existent 'Platonic creator of all three modes
>>>> or universes'.
>>>> No one is suggesting that "pure or genuine Thirdness" is identical to
>>>> an Argument; this thread concerns metaphysics in general, and cosmology in
>>>> particular, rather than semeiotic.  Even if "our universe [now] requires
>>>> both Firstness and Secondness," this does not *entail *that they were
>>>> also required "before" our actual universe came into being.  While you
>>>> "reject such a pre-existent 'Platonic creator of all three modes or
>>>> universes," Peirce quite explicitly believed in just such a Creator, and I
>>>> honestly do not see how any *legitimate* reading of "A Neglected
>>>> Argument" can deny this.
>>>> CSP:  The word "God," so "capitalized" (as we Americans say), is *the 
>>>> *definable
>>>> proper name, signifying *Ens necessarium*; in my belief Really creator
>>>> of all three Universes of Experience. (CP 6.452)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>>> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
>>>> -
>>>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Edwina Taborsky <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jeffrey, list: Your post outlines the three 'pure' triads where the
>>>>> Relations between the Object-Representamen-Interpretant are all of
>>>>> one mode; all in the mode of Firstness or Secondness or Thirdness. These
>>>>> are only three of the ten - and the function of the non-genuine or
>>>>> degenerate modes is, in my view, to provide the capacity for evolution,
>>>>> adaptation and change. That is, Firstness linked to Secondness and
>>>>> Thirdness, as in the vital, vital triad of the Rhematic Indexical Legisign
>>>>> - introduces novelty to actuality to habit. That's quite something.
>>>>> My point is that the modal categories have no 'per se' reality [Jon
>>>>> considers that both Firstness and Thirdness have such a reality] but are
>>>>> modes of organization and experience of matter/concepts within ongoing
>>>>> events, i.e, 'matter is effete Mind'. As such the categories only function
>>>>> within the triad - the O-R-I triad.
>>>>> I don't see either that the 'pure or genuine Thirdness' - the Symbolic
>>>>> Legisign Argument [O-R-I] can be an 'ens necessarium' because I
>>>>> consider that our universe requires both Firstness and Secondness and I
>>>>> therefore reject such a pre-existent 'Platonic creator of all three modes
>>>>> or universes'.  That is - I'm aware that Jon bases his reading of Peirce
>>>>> also within his belief in Genesis and God - but I can't see this same view
>>>>> within the writings of Peirce.
>>>>> Edwina
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