On 1/19/2017 10:19 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
consider the following sentence:

   "I think that Tom believes Superman is real, but
    Mary knows he's just a character in a story."

This sentence would have four UoDs:  (1) the world that includes
Tom, Mary, and me; (2) the UoD of my thought;  (3)the UoD of Tom's
belief, and (4) the UoD of Mary's knowledge.

I forgot to mention the universe of discourse of the story.
A translation of that sentence to a version of logic would
require five UoDs.

You could map them to a single UoD that consisted of the union
of all five -- but you would need to add some notation for keeping
track of the different domains and the propositions about them.

I discussed these issues in the following articles:

Laws, facts, and contexts: Foundations for multimodal reasoning

Worlds, models, and descriptions

From existential graphs to conceptual graphs

Five questions on epistemic logic

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