> On Jan 9, 2017, at 2:25 PM, Clark Goble <cl...@lextek.com> wrote:
> Here metaphysics seems important if only to show what hidden premises 
> undergird our thinking. It’s also possible that he might mean approaching 
> metaphysics in a somewhat transcendental approach akin to Kant’s various 
> transcendental arguments. i.e. for this to be true these must be true. Yet if 
> one does that form of argument one quickly realizes a certain undecidability 
> inherent to working backwards. That is more than one metaphysics can usually 
> account for the phenomena in question. It’s this thinking (criticizing) of 
> metaphysics that is important. How the pragmatic maxim with its emphasis on 
> difference and testing for meaning isn’t completely clear to me.

Just to add to that one can find Peirce making exactly these sorts of critiques 
of metaphysics in science such as the assumption of action at a distance or the 
idea that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. The latter in particular 
seems falsifiable and thus open in theory to test. The former is a bit trickier 
but presumably if we found some mediated substance then that would falsify it 
too. (How to deal with mediation by virtual Feynman particles makes me wonder 
how to deal with it though)
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