Gene, List:

Your comments are well-taken.  I did not mean to imply that the growth of
knowledge is the *only *manifestation of the growth of reasonableness,
although I now can see how it came across that way.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Eugene Halton <>

> John Sowa: “But every kind of Thirdness must be learned by abduction.
> Observation can only detect post hoc.  Propter hoc is an abduction. An
> infant observes patterns in the parents' babbling, imitates the babbling,
> and discovers that certain patterns bring rewards.”
> The expectations for communicative dialogical babbling are already
> instinctively and musically embedded in the subcortical affirmative mind of
> the infant. The dialogue facilitates the observational process rather than
> inaugurates it through observation. We are born to be wild intersocial,
> communicative abductors! The dialogue continues over time as the infant’s
> upper brain starts to come online, becoming more vocally-gesturally
> engaged, eventuating in both the birth of symboling and a rebirthing of the
> toddler as a symbolizer.
> Jon Alan Schmidt:  “this raises the question of what Peirce meant by
> "God's purpose."  As I mentioned in the other thread, I take it to be the 
> *summum
> bonum*--the "development of Reason," which is the growth of knowledge
> about both God and the universe that He has created and continues to create
> (CP 1.615; 1903).”
> Surely the development of reasonableness is far more than the mere growth
> of knowledge/knowledge about, or being a kind of spectator of creation.
> Those are ideas from a civilization that has divorced itself from the
> living spontaneity, as though true living would have as its ultimate goal
> to become a know-it-all. True living involves participation in creation
> through the primacy of affirmative mind, in bodying forth and learning, to
> which knowing is at best secondary. That is how I take Peirce’s statements
> that “the continual increase of the embodiment of the idea-potentiality is
> the *summum bonum*,” one involving a “reasonableness energizing in the
> universe.”
> Gene Halton
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