btw, I was also trying to call attention to the difficult problem of sizing
the field, for different, complex physical/mechanical and chemical
interactions operate across large domains.  It's hard to imagine a complete
theory of pattern formation involving a field size of a whole, entire
vertebrate embryo.  a better approach would be to treat individual, growing
fields of proper size, ~ 500um.


On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Jerry Rhee <> wrote:

> dear kirsti, list:
> I was responding to your remark:
> ""Morphogenetic field" is just a name, a term standing for a theoretical
> concept. Naming is not explaining. - For explaining anything, a theory is
> needed, with sound experimental evidence backing it up."
> I posted a quote from Lewis Wolpert's theoretical paper on pattern
> formation that ought to lead you to the sound experimental evidence on
> morphogenetic fields.  It's rather large and still mysterious once you get
> down to the molecular details.
> Best,
> J
> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 1:42 PM, <> wrote:
>> Dear J. Rhee,
>> You addressed you post especially to me, but I can't see any connection
>> to my recent post to the list.
>> Seeing the host of copies you listed up, I guess you take your point to
>> be a most important one.
>> Please do enlighten me on your reasons and grounds.
>> With most kind regards.
>> Kirsti
>> Jerry Rhee kirjoitti 6.6.2017 21:21:
>>> Dear kirsti, all,
>>> "The size of embryonic fields is, surprisingly, usually less than 50
>>> cells in any direction."
>>> Surprisingly, that makes a morphogenetic field about 500um in
>>> diameter.
>>> Best,
>>> J
>>> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 1:10 PM, <> wrote:
>>> Helmut,
>>>> "Morphogenetic field" is just a name, a term standing for a
>>>> theoretical concept. Naming is not explaining. - For explaining
>>>> anything, a theory is needed, with sound experimental evidence
>>>> backing it up.
>>>> Do you think the experimental evidence Sheldrake has been
>>>> presenting is not sound? Are there flaws and shortcomings in his
>>>> theory? - If so, where?
>>>> Or are his theories just surprising and odd?
>>>> In 1990's I got interested in Sheldrake. Took up some of his
>>>> experiments both in detail and as wholes. Found out that they were
>>>> exceptionally well designed and carried out.
>>>> I did (and do) find some shortcomings in his theory, but only of
>>>> the usual sort. They could be even better. (As any worthwhile theory
>>>> should!)
>>>> All criticism should be specified in these respects. I think.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Kirsti
>>>> Helmut Raulien kirjoitti 6.6.2017 02:52:
>>>> Supplement: Sorry, Mr. Laplace, please transform into Lamarck in
>>>> the
>>>> below text.
>>>> Lalala,
>>>> Helmut
>>>> Dear list members,
>>>> I suggest three steps of more or less innovative thinking: 1.:
>>>> Dogmaticness, 2.: Open-mindedness, 3.: Magical thinking. I think
>>>> that
>>>> the middle way is the best: Open minded thinking. Dogmaticness
>>>> blocks
>>>> the inquiry, and magical thinking reverses cause and effect and
>>>> leads
>>>> to false conclusions.
>>>> To tell, whether a theory is open-minded or magical, there are two
>>>> ways, I think. One of them is theoretical, the other experimental.
>>>> The
>>>> experimental way is easy: Can the experiment be reproduced by other
>>>> experimenters in other laboratories, and will the results be the
>>>> same?
>>>> If this is so, but there is no theoretical explanation available to
>>>> explain the results, then I guess that scientists will not stop
>>>> looking for explanations until they have found them. I do not
>>>> think,
>>>> that they are afraid of being accused of pseudo-scientificness. If
>>>> they were, they would not have become scientists, but clerks or
>>>> something like that. I think, that scientists are curious, and not
>>>> remote-controlled, as conspiration-theorists often claim.
>>>> I have read somewhere the proposal, that scientists should not only
>>>> publish their successes, but also their failures. Is this being
>>>> done
>>>> now to some extent?
>>>> On the other hand, for a long time Darwinism was the dogma,
>>>> Laplacism
>>>> was refuted, it was even correctly said, that in the Soviet Union
>>>> Laplacist-like attempts of crop adaption to colder climate has lead
>>>> to
>>>> famines. But today, Laplacism has a revival, due to the discovery
>>>> of
>>>> epigenetic mechanisms.
>>>> When Sheldrake was claiming, that rats in Australia can be easier
>>>> convinced to jump through a burning ring, if before rats in England
>>>> have been taught to do that, you might ask: What should be the
>>>> carrying mechanism for this effect? Maybe there is something we do
>>>> not
>>>> know now, just as we did not know about the epigenetic methyl
>>>> molecules.
>>>> But: "Morphogenetic field" is not an explanation. Neither is the
>>>> "Dormative principle" of opium, and neither is "Habit". This
>>>> Peircean
>>>> "Habit" sort of disturbs me, because it is not an explanation. It
>>>> is
>>>> merely an observation. I think it is necessary to inquire about the
>>>> ways how "habit" exactly is formed, stored (memorized),
>>>> transmitted,
>>>> and so on.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Helmut
>>>> 02. Juni 2017 um 08:55 Uhr
>>>> "John Collier" <> wrote:
>>>> I am not sure that these "dogmas" are not merely working hypotheses
>>>> that have served well.
>>>> But there is some reason to think scientists (if not science) can
>>>> be
>>>> dogmatic. A colleague and occasional co-author of mine is one of
>>>> the
>>>> world's experts on Douglas fir. He submitted a grant application
>>>> noting that he had found variation that could be explained neither
>>>> by
>>>> genetics nor by environment, and he wanted to explore
>>>> self-organization during development. This is a commonplace now,
>>>> but
>>>> thirty years ago he failed to get the grant because his referees
>>>> (not
>>>> Douglas fir experts) said that he just hadn't looked hard enough
>>>> for a
>>>> selectionist explanation.
>>>> John Collier
>>>> Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Associate
>>>> Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal
>>>> [1] [2]
>>>> FROM: Gary Richmond []
>>>> SENT: Thursday, 01 June 2017 11:19 PM
>>>> TO: Peirce-L <>
>>>> SUBJECT: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:9235] Rupert Sheldrake
>>>> TED
>>>> Talk
>>>> John S, list,
>>>> John S wrote: "As Peirce emphasized and nearly all scientists
>>>> agree,
>>>> nothing is a dogma of science." Well, I would certainly agree that
>>>> nothing _ought _to be a dogma.
>>>> And yet Peirce railed against "the mechanical philosophy,"
>>>> materialism, necessitarianism (recall his response to Camus in
>>>> "Reply
>>>> to the Necessitarians"), reducing cosmology to the nothing-but-ism
>>>> of
>>>> actions/reactions of 2ns, etc.
>>>> Certainly not holding dogmatic views is an _ideal_ of scientific,
>>>> but
>>>> I do not agree you in that it seems to me that any number of
>>>> scientists in Peirce's day and in ours as well yet hold them,
>>>> whether
>>>> they would say they do, or think they do, or not.
>>>> Late in life, Peirce concluded the N.A. (not including the
>>>> Additaments) by writing that even "approximate acceptance of the
>>>> Pragmaticist principle" has helped those who do accept it:
>>>> ". . . to a mightily clear discernment of some fundamental truths
>>>> that other philosophers have seen but through a mist, and most of
>>>> them not at all. Among such truths -- all of them old, of course,
>>>> yet acknowledged by few -- I reckon their denial of
>>>> necessitarianism; their rejection of any "consciousness" different
>>>> from a visceral or other external sensation; their acknowledgment
>>>> that there are, in a Pragmatistical sense, Real habits (which
>>>> Really
>>>> would produce effects, under circumstances that may not happen to
>>>> get actualized, and are thus Real generals); and their insistence
>>>> upon interpreting all hypostatic abstractions in terms of what they
>>>> would or might (not actually will) come to in the concrete. . . . "
>>>> (CP 6.485).
>>>> It seems to me that Peirce is clear--and while here he seems to be
>>>> addressing philosophers in particular, elsewhere and frequently he
>>>> argues this for science more generally--that many thinkers
>>>> (philosophers and scientists alike) do indeed hold such dogmas as
>>>> "necessitarianism" and "mechanism" (==Sheldrake's slide for dogma
>>>> #1
>>>> far
>>>> from dogmatic follows for me from his theory of inquiry including
>>>> his
>>>> pragmaticism.
>>>> Again, I don't necessarily agree with Sheldrake's list of putatie
>>>> dogmas, and I would certainly fully agree with you if by "nothing
>>>> is a
>>>> dogma of science" you mean that this should be an essential maxim
>>>> of
>>>> the ethics of science. But just as Peirce argued that every
>>>> scientist
>>>> has a metaphysics--even as certain scientists argue against
>>>> metaphysics altogether, that everyone of them ought take pains at
>>>> discovering what are her perhaps hidden metaphysical
>>>> presuppositions--I think that even those who claim that "nothing is
>>>> a
>>>> dogma of science" (but, I must quickly add, certainly not you,
>>>> John)
>>>> still many yet hold certain dogmatic views, and that these can
>>>> enter
>>>> into even whole 'schools' in certain fields of scientific endeavor.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Gary R
>>>> C 745
>>>> 718 482-5690 [2]
>>>> On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 2:34 AM, John F Sowa <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On 5/31/2017 10:48 PM, Gary Richmond wrote:
>>>> I agree that #3 is not a dogma of science.
>>>> As Peirce emphasized and nearly all scientists agree,
>>>> nothing is a dogma of science.
>>>> John
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