“Changing the Rules” (Famous Last Words)


Jon Conner

On 6/14/2017 10:47 AM, g...@gnusystems.ca wrote:
> Jon,
> I think you first have to learn what games are available to you,
> before you can choose among them (or choose the null game).
> The question is whether silicon-based life forms are evolving, i.e.
> whether AI systems are potential players in what Gregory Bateson
> called “life—a game whose purpose is to discover the rules,
> which rules are always changing and always undiscoverable.”
> http://gnusystems.ca/TS/pnt.htm#lifgam
> gary f.
> From: Jon Awbrey [mailto:jawb...@att.net]
> Sent: 13-Jun-17 20:55
>> The first thing about intelligence is knowing what games you want to play 
... or whether to play at all.
>> I'm not seeing any AIs that I yet.
>> Regards,
>> Jon


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