

Peirce’s recursive application of the categories seems to reach a climax
with the Firstness of Thirdness here, as he tells us that the “slight
glimpse” into phenomenology given so far in this lecture is intended “merely
to lead up to Thirdness and to the particular kind and aspect of thirdness
which is the sole object of logical study.”


But before we plunge into that, I’d like to point out a couple of questions
raised by Peirce’s reference here to the term “reference.” Summarizing his
previous remarks, he says that “genuine Secondness was found to be Action,
where First and Second are both true Seconds and the Secondness is something
distinct from them, while in Degenerate Secondness, or mere Reference, the
First is a mere First never attaining full Secondness.” He did not use the
term “reference” earlier in this lecture, but he did use it in the part of
the 1903 Syllabus devoted to dyadic relations, CP 3.572: “The broadest
division of dyadic relations is into those which can only subsist between
two subjects of different categories of being (as between an existing
individual and a quality) and those which can subsist between two subjects
of the same category. A relation of the former kind may advantageously be
termed a reference; a relation of the latter kind, a dyadic relation


This seems consistent with the identification of “Reference” as “Degenerate
Secondness” — but what is “advantageous” about using the term “reference” in
this way? And how is this specialized usage related to the ordinary usage of
the common noun “reference” rooted in the verb “refer”? For instance, when I
type the term “cat” to refer to the cat who is curled up on the sofa nearby,
is there a dyadic relation between cat and word which is an instance of
Degenerate Secondness? Spike the cat (to give him his proper name) is
certainly an “existing individual,” and thus a Second, but does the common
noun belong to a different “category of being,” a First which “is a mere
First”? This may seem a trivial question, but it is definitely a semiotic
question, because a word is definitely a sign. Now, semiosis is all about
triadic relations; so what we are looking into here is the role of
degenerate Secondness in triadic relations. I approached this topic several
years ago in Chapter 7 of Turning Signs,, and though I still have my doubts
about it, I haven’t come up with any improvements. Regarding a sign, even a
symbol like “cat,” as a “First” is not really a problem in the light of
Peirce’s definition of the sign in the Syllabus (EP2:290-91) as “First
Correlate of a triadic relation.” But I’d like to know what other Peirceans
think on this issue.


There’s also a connection here with Peirce’s ‘epiphany’ about existential
graphs in 1906, when he said that: 

[[ in all my attempts to classify relations, I have invariably recognized,
as one great class of relations, the class of references, as I have called
them, where one correlate is an existent, and another is a mere possibility;
yet whenever I have undertaken to develop the logic of relations, I have
always left these references out of account, notwithstanding their manifest
importance, simply because the algebras or other forms of diagrammatization
which I employed did not seem to afford me any means of representing them. I
need hardly say that the moment I discovered in the verso of the sheet of
Existential Graphs a representation of a universe of possibility, I
perceived that a reference would be represented by a graph which should
cross a cut, thus subduing a vast field of thought to the governance and
control of exact logic. ] CP 4.579 ]


But I think this message is long enough already, and I’ll leave commenting
on the rest of Lowell 3.11 for later.


Gary f.



From: [] 
Sent: 3-Jan-18 12:28


Continuing from Lowell Lecture 3.10,
ell-lecture-iii-3rd-draught/display/13928 :



[CP 1.533] To express the Firstness of Thirdness, the peculiar flavor or
color of mediation, we have no really good word. Mentality is, perhaps, as
good as any, poor and inadequate as it is. 


Here, then, are three kinds of Firstness, Qualitative Possibility,
Existence, Mentality, resulting from applying Firstness to the three
categories. We might strike new words for them: Primity, Secundity,


[534] There are also three other kinds of firstness which arise in a
somewhat similar way; namely, the idea of a simple original quality, the
idea of a quality essentially relative, such as that of being “an inch
long”; and the idea of a quality that consists in the way something is
thought or represented, such as the quality of being manifest. 


[535] I shall not enter into any exact analysis of these ideas. I only
wished to give you such slight glimpse as I could of the sort of questions
that busy the student of phenomenology, merely to lead up to Thirdness and
to the particular kind and aspect of thirdness which is the sole object of
logical study. I want first to show you what Genuine Thirdness is and what
are its two degenerate forms. Now we found the genuine and degenerate forms
of secondness by considering the full ideas of First and Second. Then the
genuine Secondness was found to be Action, where First and Second are both
true Seconds and the Secondness is something distinct from them, while in
Degenerate Secondness, or mere Reference, the First is a mere First never
attaining full Secondness. 


[536] Let us proceed in the same way with Thirdness. We have here a First, a
Second, and a Third. The first is a Positive Qualitative Possibility, in
itself nothing more. The Second is an Existent thing without any mode of
being less than existence, but determined by that First. A Third has a mode
of being which consists in the Secondnesses that it determines, the mode of
being of a Law, or Concept. Do not confound this with the ideal being of a
quality in itself. A quality is something capable of being completely
embodied. A Law never can be embodied in its character as a law except by
determining a habit. A quality is how something may or might have been. A
law is how an endless future must continue to be. 


[537] Now in Genuine Thirdness, the First, the Second, and the Third are all
three of the nature of thirds, or Thought, while in respect to one another
they are First, Second, and Third. The First is Thought in its capacity as
mere Possibility; that is, mere Mind capable of thinking, or a mere vague
idea. The Second is Thought playing the rôle of a Secondness, or Event. That
is, it is of the general nature of Experience or Information. The Third is
Thought in its rôle as governing Secondness. It brings the Information into
the Mind, or determines the Idea and gives it body. It is informing thought,
or Cognition. But take away the psychological or accidental human element,
and in this genuine Thirdness we see the operation of a Sign. }{ Peirce’s Lowell Lectures of 1903


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