John S., List:

JFS:  But I would like to emphasize several important goals:

#1 has been done already, unless you are referring to additional
manuscripts that are not included in the Harvard microfilms.  You can view
the images themselves at, and ongoing
efforts to transcribe some of them at  Anyone is
welcome to join the latter endeavor.  Ideally, the Peirce Edition Project
would be making greater strides toward #2 and #3, but for various reasons
has not been able to do so.

JFS:  I suspect that Peirce replaced 'tone' with 'mark' for the same reason.

Again, the textual evidence is quite thin that Peirce *replaced "*Tone"
with "Mark."  All that we can say *definitively *is that he *considered *doing
this, and *experimented *with using "Mark" rather than "Tone" in a single
draft letter to Lady Welby, while at the very same time still writing
"Tone" in his Logic Notebook.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 11:56 PM, John F Sowa <> wrote:

> On 8/14/2018 5:30 PM, Gary Richmond wrote:
>> I too agree with Gary f and JAS that choosing 'mark' rather than 'tone'
>> is a judgment call.
> To end an overlong thread, I won't debate that point.
> But I would like to emphasize several important goals:
>  1. Digitizing at high resolution thousands of pages of Peirce's
>     MSS that are rapidly crumbling into dust.  This must be done
>     ASAP because most of the paper is acid-based, and a great
>     deal has already been lost.
>  2. Transcribing, organizing, and dating all the MSS in a form
>     that is easily searchable so that anyone can bring to bear all
>     relevant information as quickly and effectively as possible.
>  3. Develop better tools to facilitate collaboration among anyone
>     and everyone who may be interested in exploring any particular
>     area of Peircean studies.
> Those three goals are preliminaries.  They address the need for
> a solid foundation for going forward.  My primary goal has always
> been to apply Peirce's insights to future research and teaching.
> That means Peirce's terminology will have to be merged with and
> related to current terminology in the various sciences.  Some of
> it will be left in the footnotes, not the main stream.
> As an example, I'll cite the introduction to Peirce's EGs, which
> I have based on his 1909-1911 notation and terminology:
> Peirce's EGs are language independent.  The EG rules are easier
> to show than to explain, and I try to reduce the verbiage to
> the barest minimum.  For all the students, the most important
> task is to teach them how to *think* in terms of the diagrams.
> After they learn how to think in EGs, they'll have a better
> foundation for learning other notations and applications of
> logic.  Only a small percentage will ever go back to Peirce's
> originals.  For them, learning Peirce's older terminology will
> be trivial once they know how to think in EGs.
> I believe that the same issues apply to Peirce's semiotic.
> The most important task is to learn how to think.  After they
> learn the basic framework, most of the students will go forward.
> Only a few will go back to the originals.
> Re mark vs tone:  I have found that students learn the triad
> mark/token/type faster than tone/token/type, and they remember
> it longer.  I suspect that Peirce replaced 'tone' with 'mark'
> for the same reason.
> Since it's a judgment call, my call is for Peirce's judgment,
> my students' judgment, and my own judgment.
> John
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