Helmut, List:

No, the Sign *itself *is not a triadic relation; it is one *Correlate *(or
*Subject*) of a triadic relation, along with the Object and the
Interpretant.  I think it is very important to maintain this fundamental

As I said earlier today in another thread, a Y is adequate as a
*logical *representation
of any triadic relation, but it omits the distinctive "directionality" of
semiosis--*from *the Object *through *the Sign *to *the Interpretant.

"S mediates between O and I" is indeed quite general, but it is Peirce's
own formulation once that "directionality" is incorporated--"O determines S
relatively to I, and S determines I in reference to O, such that O
determines I through the mediation of S" (cf. EP 2:410; 1907).  Mats
Bergman even characterized this as "one of Peirce's finest sign

"S represents O to I" is more specific, but still correct with I as the
Interpretant, since that is the "essential ingredient" of the interpreter,
just as the Object is the "essential ingredient" of the utterer (cf. EP
2:404; 1907).

However, "S represents O as I" seems incorrect to me; rather, "S represents
DO as IO" is closer to my understanding.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 2:26 PM, Helmut Raulien <h.raul...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Jon, List,
> To your point 2.: I think, a sign is a triadic relation, so a Y is ok, but
> it is a very special kind of triadic relation. I think:
> -"S mediates between O and I" is too general, because it does not show
> that there is a difference between O and I.
> -"S represents O to I" is wrong, I think, because in that case "I" would
> be the interpreter, not the interpretant. I propose:
> -"S represents O as I".
> Best, Helmut
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