Edwina, List:

These characterizations strike me as clearly inconsistent with Peirce's
writings.  He held that space and time are *continuous *(3ns), while a
quality *in itself*--i.e., not embodied in a particular individual--is
non-spatial and non-temporal (1ns).  Pure Mind is indeed 3ns, but pure
mathematics is 1ns--the explication of mere *possibilities*.  In any case,
Peirce clearly identified *exactly three *modes of being.

CSP:  Just as the logical verb with its signification reappears in
metaphysics as a quality, an *ens *having a *nature *as its mode of being,
and as a logical individual subject reappears in metaphysics as a thing, an
*ens *having *existence *as its mode of being, so the logical reason, or
premiss, reappears in metaphysics as a reason, an *ens *having a *reality*,
consisting in a ruling both of the outward and of the inward world, as its
mode of being. (CP 1.515; c. 1896)

CSP:  My view is that there are three modes of being. I hold that we can
directly observe them in elements of whatever is at any time before the
mind in any way. They are the being of positive qualitative possibility,
the being of actual fact, and the being of law that will govern facts in
the future. (CP 1.23; 1903)

CSP:  So, then, there are these three modes of being: first, the being of
a feeling, in itself, unattached to any subject, which is merely an
atmospheric possibility, a possibility floating *in vacuo*, not rational
yet capable of rationalization; secondly, there is the being that consists
in arbitrary brute action upon other things, not only irrational but
anti-rational, since to rationalize it would be to destroy its being; and
thirdly, there is living intelligence from which all reality and all power
are derived; which is rational necessity and necessitation. (CP 6.342; 1908)

These correspond to three Universes (EP 2:435&479; 1908) that align with,
but (as Gary R. noted) are not identical to, the three phaneroscopic
Categories--Ideas or Possibles (1ns), Brute Actuality or Existents (2ns),
and Signs or Necessitants (3ns).


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 9:04 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> John, list
> Interesting suggestions about the hierarchies of ontologies
> What about Peirce's Six Categorical modes: - which makes the world a
> rather complex place.
> There's 3-3 [Thirdness as Thirdness] which is a pure aspatial, atemporal
> mode. Pure Mind. That would be Pure Mathematics.
> 3-2 and 3-1 are two different types of Habit; i.e., they are spatial and
> temporal laws.
> And there's pure Secondness [2-2] which is simple physical actuality
> regardless of laws.
> But- there's 2-1 - which is a dependent actuality.
> And - pure Firstness [1-1] which is spatial and temporal BUT without any
> connections, either physical [as in Secondness] or lawful [as in
> Thirdness].
> Edwina
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