List, John 

> On Mar 20, 2019, at 3:14 PM, John F Sowa <> wrote:
> On 3/20/2019 11:37 AM, <> wrote:
>> I thought a Medad was (by definition) a graph with no loose ends.
> NEM 3:164 (or p. 4 of eg1911.pdf) says
> "A graph or graph instance having 0 peg is a Medad.”

The conceptualization of medad, monad, dyad,… 
were introduced as logical terms of a sentence
 that expressed relations among the terms.
Example: John sold a bicycle to Frank for $20.00.

This is homologous to the usage of terms
 in the bedrock of pragmaticism and  CSP’s trinity of triads.
The meaning of the sentence and the terms of the sentence
 depends on the organization the terms of the sentence.

In my view, these terms , medad, monad, dyad,… , 
are outside of the logic of set theory, but consistent with chemical usage of 

CSP never accepted the abstract logic of set theory,
 instead he choose to enumerate the logical terms 
as bedrock by counting the number of terms that contributed
to the realism of the sentence.

As I noted several months ago, in John’s book, he clearly abandon 
CSP logical schema for the triadic trinity, ignored the concepts of 
rhema, dicisign and argument, and substituted the set-theoretically based 
notions of
neural - networks.
The concepts of medal, monad, dyad,.. were ignored in this analysis of meaning 
of the triadic trinity.

John, what exactly are your views on the relations among "medad, monad, dyad,…”
and the mode of extension in set theory? 

And, what is your perception of the relationships between the bedrock of 
pragmatism and set theory?

Finally, I repeat both my public and private requests for the web address for 
your recent assertions about the categorization of meaning of set theory w.r.t. 
CSP notations.



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