Thanks. For me love is more what you reject and affirm. Reject hurt harm
and fear and you are poised to live decently. Affirm DIY -- recognizing the
necessary difference among spirits-material persons as they engage in their
playing out of freedom. I see everyone this way. Everything anyone does is
a form of love. Some just happen to be hurt, harm and fear.

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On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 12:56 PM Helmut Raulien <> wrote:

> Stephen, list,
> I did not find your post offensive. I think it is a valuable thesis, that
> the concept of God is sometimes too much complexified. The same, I
> sometimes guess, applies to the concepts of money and sexuality: What
> "God", "money", and "sex" have in common is ontologically, that it is good
> for one to have it, and deontologically, that it should be shared. I guess
> it might be a bad move in reality (history) and theory, to both construct
> complexes as reaction products of these three topics, and also to give
> either of them a surplus meaning, including the other two. Examples:
> Calvinism, I think, did a divination of money. Neoliberalism, social
> darwinism, and marxism too, by naturalizing economy. Baghwan/Oshoism and
> pietism built complexes between sex and religion, either by
> overliberalizing or overlimitating sexuality. In the western cultures, I
> think, money is divinated, and sexuality is economized.
> I think it is good sometimes to attempt a deconstruction of these
> complexes, to see whether they are justified or malconstructions.
> I guess, that deconstruction of complex collusions might put the emphasis
> back to the natural commonities well-being and sharing, and that acceptance
> of these commonities for values is love: Let God be God, economy economy,
> and sex sex. Have it and share it. Love is not merely sexual, but also
> material and religious. This was just expressing a vague sketch based on
> impression.
> Helmut
> 20. Mai 2019 um 02:33 Uhr
> "Stephen Curtiss Rose" <>
> wrote:
> I said the two words you cite and they were repeated but I assume I am the
> one addressed. I am deeply sorry where offense has been taken. I regard
> every human being as beyond judgment and judging others as a futile and
> uncalled for activity.
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> <>
> On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 4:53 PM Gary Richmond <>
> wrote:
>> List,
>> Again I read, "Enough already."
>> Indeed. Enough already of blocking the way of inquiry. If you disagree
>> with someone's interpretation of something posted to this list, then say so
>> and give your reasons. That ought to be sufficient.
>> If you aren't interested in a threaded topic, don't read in that thread.
>> No one's going to miss you.
>> If you aren't at all interested in what some particular list member has
>> to say, delete his or her posts before commenting on them, perhaps even
>> before reading them. No one will know or care.
>> The lack of tolerance that I as list moderator have recently seen here is
>> simply not acceptable in this forum. In my view, such a lack of tolerance
>> reflects badly on the character of the intolerant person and not at all on
>> the person harshly treated.
>> As Joe Ransdell, the founder of Peirce-L wrote in "How the Forum Works"
>> [Forum members expect] that those who are at odds with one another. . .
>> be both generous in their tolerance of the other when excess occurs and in
>> their readiness to make verbal amends when excess is imputed to them. *When
>> in doubt, apologize: you are never diminished by it *[emphasis in the
>> original]*.*
>> While I believe some apologies are in order, I don't really expect to see
>> them. I do, however, believe that certain folk here should read over *their
>> own *recent comments to see if, upon reflection, they think they might
>> have shown  intolerance toward the views and/or scholarship of another
>> forum member. If the answer is that they do* not* believe that they did,
>> then that is that, and there is nothing more to be said. But if the answer
>> is that they must admit *to themselves* that they indeed did express
>> some intolerance, then that person at least ought to consider if they want
>> to see that intolerance (or pique, or insults, etc.) published in
>> perpetuity on the Internet as an expression of their character. If not,
>> they should simply refrain from conducting themselves in such an
>> inappropriate manner in the future. As Ben Udell wrote here over a decade
>> ago, "Peirce-L is a salon, not a saloon."
>> I sincerely hope that no one here will attempt to justify untoward
>> conduct on the list, although I can imagine that a list member or so will
>> claim that I'm "scolding" folk here. Nonsense. Scold yourself if the
>> uncomfortable shoe fits. Everyone should feel safe and free to express any
>> Peirce-related thoughts that they have in the Peirce e-forum. That is*
>> all* I'm saying.
>> So, in a word, enough of blocking the way of inquiry; enough of
>> intolerance.
>> Sincerely,
>> Gary Richmond (writing as forum moderator)
>> *Gary Richmond*
>> *Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
>> *Communication Studies*
>> *LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
>> On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 3:01 PM John F Sowa <> wrote:
>>> Gary F,
>>> Thank you for a post that doesn't go off the "deep end" by attributing
>>> arguments to Peirce that he never stated, implied, ot even hinted.
>>> GF
>>> > any knowledge that any mind can have of God must consist of
>>> > predicates attributed to the real Subject we call “God” — which
>>> > name, says Peirce, is different from all other proper names because
>>> > it is definable. Every other proper name is an index of an entity
>>> > who, at some time in some universe of discourse, has existed in
>>> > some embodied form, and the prerequisite for knowledge of that
>>> > subject is collateral experience of it.
>>> I would just add that Peirce also considered proper names, such
>>> as Hamlet or Napoleon, for which collateral experience with the
>>> individual is impossible (EP 2:493).  For both of them, our only
>>> source collateral experience is in what we read or hear.
>>> The same could be said about God.  For most people, knowledge of
>>> God comes from the same kind of sources as our knowledge of Hamlet
>>> or Napoleon.  Even people who can remember any definition from any
>>> catechism depend mainly on stories they read or heard.
>>> GF
>>> > If there is no evidence, no means of testing a hypothesis
>>> > inductively, there is no knowledge, no matter how fallible
>>> > or provisional we take it to be.
>>> Yes.  Jon's so-called proof is a hypothesis about the existence
>>> and actions of something that conforms to some definition.  The
>>> same conclusion could be derived by replacing the name 'God' with
>>> the name of any deity, demiurge, or monster.  Benevolence is not a
>>> prerequisite.
>>> GF
>>> > I hope that will suffice, and is sufficiently focused on the
>>> > semiotic/logical/cognitive issues, because I’d rather not go
>>> > any further into theology than I have here.
>>> I very strongly agree.  And I'll repeat Stephen's point:
>>> "Enough already."
>>> John
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