The point I was trying make:  Either/Or debates are a waste
of time. There is an open-ended number of different ways of perceiving,
thinking, talking, reasoning, and acting.  In the abstract, there is no
reason to debate whether method M175 is better or worse than method
AB>     I agree with your broadening up the seeming
dichotomy to an open ended diversity. But I suggest to go all the way;
also within a  science we find different angles on the same subject
matter. Semiotics  not being excluded. 
Yes.   Within any science --
say cooking, farming, chemistry, or phaneroscopy -- the number of
"angles" or methods is unlimited.  Just compare cooking in
China, Italy, Mexico, or any other region.  There is an immense diversity
of methods, which is further subdivided by the specializations for each
region, cook, and choice of ingredients.   For any science, the diversity
is as great as the number of applications times the number of
As Peirce said, there are just two sources of
knowledge:  pure mathematics and experiences in the phaneron.  For both,
the variations are potentially infinite.  For phaneroscopy, Peirce's
_Photometric Researches_ is an excellent textbook.  It was published in
1878, the same year as the article "How to make our ideas
Peirce's many years of research was the basis for
both, and the book provides examples that illustrate the open-ended
variety of methods for analyzing experiences in the phaneron.  Chapter 1,
for example, has the title "The Sensation of Light."  That is an
unusual title for the first chapter of a book on science, and it
illustrates Peirce's way of thinking.  The remainder of the book discusses
the many ways of analyzing those experiences by Peirce and other
I posted some excerpts from that book on my web site. 
I recommend Chapter 1 (six pages) and some browsing of the other
excerpts: .
There is,  of
course, much more to be said.
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