Jon Alen,

I do not even need to read te second and third alinea of your post. Of course 
Short is right in this view. But that is trivial and not in conflict with my 
statement. It simply follows from the difference in viewpoint: type vs process.

And to be frank I think it is better to leave your 'explanation' in the 2nd and 
3th alinea undiscussed in all detail. I restrict myself to the first sentence, 
look at the boldened text.

The immediate interpretant is whatever a sign type possibly could signify 
within the system of signs to which it belongs,

Question 1: Do you claim this (within, etc)  to be Peirces addition? 

Question 2: How do you delineate this system for any given sign? 

Question 3: The dynamical interpretant that eventually follows a sign, is this 
one of the possibilities contained in the immediate interpretant, or can it be 
altogether different?



Op 24 mei 2020 om 2:49 schreef Jon Alan Schmidt <>: 
Auke, List:

I agree that the relationship between the immediate/dynamical/final 
interpretants and emotional/energetic/logical interpretants has been the 
subject of considerable and ongoing debate.  As we discussed recently, I 
subscribe to the view that the two sets of terms are orthogonal to each other, 
as follows.

The immediate interpretant is whatever a sign type possibly could signify 
within the system of signs to which it belongs, the dynamical interpretant is 
whatever a sign token actually does signify on an individual occasion, and the 
final interpretant is whatever a sign itself necessarily would signify under 
ideal circumstances.  An emotional interpretant is one that is in the universe 
of possibles as a feeling, an energetic interpretant is one that is in the 
universe of existents as an exertion, and a logical interpretant is one that is 
in the universe of necessitants as a further sign (cf. CP 4.536, 1906).  Hence 
the immediate interpretant is a range of possible feelings, exertions, or 
signs; the dynamical interpretant is an actual feeling, exertion, or sign; and 
the final interpretant is a habit of feeling (association), a habit of conduct 
(belief), or a habit-change (persuasion).

Every energetic interpretant (2ns) involves an emotional interpretant (1ns), 
and every logical interpretant (3ns) involves both an energetic interpretant 
(2ns) and an emotional interpretant (1ns).  An iconic sign (1ns) can only 
determine an emotional interpretant (1ns) , while only a symbolic sign (3ns) 
can determine a logical interpretant (3ns), although it might determine merely 
an energetic interpretant (2ns) and/or an emotional interpretant (1ns).  
Likewise, an indexical sign (2ns) can determine an energetic interpretant (2ns) 
but might determine merely an emotional interpretant (1ns).  A sign that 
determines merely an emotional interpretant (1ns) can only be a term (1ns), 
while a proposition (2ns) always determines at least an energetic interpretant 
(2ns) and an argument (3ns) always determines a logical interpretant (3ns).


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran 

On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 12:51 PM < > wrote:

Edwina, list,

That is a debated issue. Bergman did summarize the main positions: Fitzgerald, 
Short and Zeman.

In my opinion the logical interpretant of the emotional, energetic, logical 
sequence is a placeholder for the other triplet. Van Driel was the first to 
write this, but without argumentation and alas in a Dutch language 
dissertation. The energetic in my opinion must also be looked at as a 
placeholder for the icon (mental interpretant) and sinsign (the here and now of 
the icon) aspect respectively.  i didn't however find direct evidence for this.


Op 23 mei 2020 om 19:27 schreef Edwina Taborsky < >:

As a side note - there's an interesting paper, by Lucia Santaella-Braga, on 
'Methodeutics; the liveliest branch of semiotics'. in Semiotica 124[-3/4]. 
1999. p 377-395, in which, among other things [she's reviewing a book by 
Liszka] she outlines the full nature of the Interpretants, moving into an 
examination of 8.344-76, where she rejects that the terms of ' immediate, 
dynamical and logical/final are synonymous with 'emotional, energetic and 

See also 'Semiotica' 1996, 'Semiotics in times of maturity. Semiotica 108 
[1/2]; 129-155 where she discusses them in detail.


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