
Thanks for this info. I came to this conclusion by analyzing the 8th signtype 
(rhematic, symbolic, legisign) from the point of view of KiF. ()= involvement. 
The outer brackets signify that the process is not yet finished. It just are 
fragments of what is involved in the proces: sheet, sign >- sign respons. 

1. The (((qualisign) (icon, sinsign)), (legisign)) is the classification or 
pattern recognition mode,

The sinsign is dual faced, it signifies a) the icon is, and, b) it is on this 
sheet. The sheet is signifing the index position gluing the process elements or 
sign aspects together and introducing the historical context of this sheet as 
it is virtually present. 

3. The (((symbol), index), (legisign)) my find the same habit of interpretation 
(symbol) attached, with a modification of the legisign as a result.

But then, somewhere at their rheme position the interpretative possibilities of 
the two sign systems overlap. 

2. ((Rheme), (icon, (index)))



> Op 25 mei 2020 om 16:56 schreef "John F. Sowa" <>:
>     Jon and Auke,
>     General principle:  Never assume that Peirce was unaware of or hadn't 
> considered some issue.  Peirce had studied Aristotle in depth, and he would 
> certainly be familiar with the first paragraph of _On Interpretation_:
>     Aristotle> First we must determine what are noun (onoma) and verb 
> (rhêma); and after that, what are negation (apophasis), assertion 
> (kataphasis), proposition (apophansis), and sentence (logos). Those in speech 
> (phonê) are symbols (symbola) of affections (pathêmata) in the psyche, and 
> those written (graphomena) are symbols of those in speech. As letters 
> (grammata), so are speech sounds not the same for everyone. But they are 
> signs (sêmeia) primarily of the affections in the psyche, which are the same 
> for everyone, and so are the objects (pragmata) of which they are likenesses 
> (homoiômata). On these matters we speak in the treatise on the psyche, for it 
> is a different subject. (16a1)
>     JAS> One difference that I have with Peirce is that I consider the 
> written and spoken versions of the same language to be two distinct systems 
> of signs. 
>     AvB> This is an interesting point. I entertained the same idea as you did 
> until I recognized that we may distinguish legisigns in two classes.
>     1. legisigns by comparison: the sinsign icons belong to a family either 
> of visual or auditive signs
>     2. legisigns by convention. legisigns of two families (visual and 
> auditive) are conjoined and recognaized as the same type. The bridge is 
> furnished by the very same symbol called forth by either of the signs, i.e. 
> the spoken and written forms of horse.
>     This distintion is similar to the point that Aristotle was making.
>     John
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