John Sowa, List

I agree with the points you make.

Having said that, abductive inferences involve premisses and conclusions that 
may be expressed as interrogatives and/or investigands. I am particularly 
interested in the question of what the "toothbrush" icon represents and how 
that logical notion might be better expressed in later version of the EG.

Many systems of logic do not have the power to express premisses or conclusions 
that articulate questions or lines of investigation. What is more, they don't 
have the ability to express a conclusion of an abuctive argument as being 
plausible. As such, they are not well suited for the task of analyzing the 
logical character of these signs. The gamma graphs, I take it, are designed to 
remedy these sorts of shortcomings.


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354
From: John F. Sowa <>
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 8:27:37 PM
To: Jeffrey Brian Downard
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Representing Abduction in the EG

Jeff,  All versions of logic, by Peirce and by any logicians before or after 
Peirce, represent propositions.  Induction, abduction, and deduction are 
operations that relate propositions to one another in various ways.  Those 
operations can be performed in equivaent ways with any notation for logic -- or 
even with propositions stated in English or any other language.

JBD> It is an interesting question:  how might one represent abductive 
inferences in the EG?

Short answer:  Peirce stated rules of inference for deduction with EGs.  He 
also wrote a great deal about induction and abduction with examples stated in 
English.  To adapt those examples to EGs, translate the English to EGs and then 
perform the equivalent operations on the EGs.

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