Gary R,
 Sometimes "Pooh Pooh" is based on a solid evaluation.  I agree with Jon 
Awbrey on this topic.
 GR: There will, of course, be those on the List who, for various 
'reasons', dismiss it out of hand. They will hardly -- if at all -- even 
begin to reflect on it before their fingers start typing out an incensed 
 I have read and studied the original documents on related issues.  I have 
attended lectures by some profound scholars on these subjects.  I have 
participated in truly high quality discussion sessions on related issues. 
 Among other things, I have read Schelling's writings on the matter.  When 
I wrote that Peirce's quotations that introduced the terms 'effete mind' 
and 'hylopathy; added useless jargon to a very complex issue, that was an 
example of an appropriate "Pooh Pooh".
 In 1984, I wrote the book Conceptual Structures, for which Peirce's logic 
was the foundation.  That book led to seven annual workshops on conceptual 
structures, followed by the ICCS series (International Conferences on 
Conceptual Structures), of which the most recent one was last week.
 But the seventh and last chapter of that book had the title "Limits of 
Conceptualization", in which I discussed the many complex problems that are 
not solved or even addressed by the logic.  That chapter 7 is on my web 
 I won't claim that my comments are profound.  But I do claim that I have 
read and heard enough to know when to say "Pooh, Pooh".  In fact, Peirce's 
critique of "metaphysicians" is far more caustic.  Just search CP for every 
instance of 'metaphysician'.  In fact, I believe that Peirce himself did 
not consider those quotations to be important contributions to the 

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