Jerry - frankly - I’ve never been a fan of Robert Rosen ; my reference to 
entropy was more along the lines of Prigogine.

And yes- I consider that signs can be understood within the outline of the 
Aristotlean syllogism. ..but I don’t see this triad as confined to the symbolic 
realm of language. 


> On Jan 11, 2024, at 1:55 PM, Jerry LR Chandler <> 
> wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2024, at 11:28 AM, Edwina Taborsky <> 
>> wrote:
>> But  you already know this 
> Edwinia:  
> If I understood the meaning of the “triadic relations”, I would not waste my 
> time attempting to frame precise questions and intensely analyzing the 
> grammatical structures of your and other responses.
> Mathematical reasoning is grounded in set theory - the relation between 
> ordered pairs.  
> The classical  logic of mathematical reasoning (symbolized by five signs - 
> negation, conjunction, disjunction, material conditional, and bi-conditional.
> These signs are often interpreted in terms of the Aristotelian syllogisms.  
> Which in turn, are related to sentences and sentence grammars.  For a 
> discussion of Peircian “tokens and types” from a categorical perspective, see 
> the recent text by Ursula Skadowski, Logic - Language - Ontology. 2022.
> Or, asserted in similar terms, is the meaning of a triadic relation 
> constrained to multi-valued logics?  
> My interpretation of the posts by the John / Jon / Robert posts is that the 
> classical logic for deduction preserves the truths of propositions of 
> molecular sentences.  (Note, it was not necessary to invoke either Robert 
> Rosen’s writings on the philosophy of science or thermodynamics or entropy or 
> dogmas or….  Just seeking a scientifically useful meaning for my research.
> Cheers
> Jerry

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