
The reference is to the ink color - the brown colored text indicated in two ways - the rest is in red ink. The note maker appears to be identifying that Peirce used two colors of ink. The Brown ink calls out:

1. Rhematic, Icon
2. Rhematic,
4. Indexical
5. Rhematic
6. Rhematic
8/5. Legisign
9. Legisign
10. Symbolic, Legisign

The numbering is unclear and appears to have been overwritten. I assume the arrows do not indicate relations of any kind.

These color distinctions are reflected by the emboldened text in 540.17 and the bracketing in 540.27.

With respect,

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
Joseph Ransdell wrote:
[image here]

On the high-res picture it is clear that the annotations were added afterwards. Compare the line style of the figures and letters (1, 2, 3, ... B) with Peirce's thicker more irregular feather pen's style. The handwriting is differently too compared with other manuscripts.

and why would Peirce write that some words have a brown color?


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