Wright State University


Assistant Professor:

One or more tenure track Assistant Professor (subject to
budgetary approval) openings beginning with the 1994-95
academic year.  It is possible that the department
will elect to fill one or more of these positions in a visiting 
capacity.  The department is flexible with regard to fields of
specialization.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. in economics
(or a firm expectation of completion by the time of appointment),
a demonstrated ability or promise for excellence in teaching at the 
undergraduate and graduate levels, and show strong promise 
of a commitment ot excellence in research and service.  The department
is housed in the College of Business and Administration, offers 
a BA in Economics, BS in Economics, a concentration in the
International Studies Programs and an MS in Social and Applied
Economics, as well as courses in the MBA program.  Wright State
University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action 
Employer.  Submit a letter of application, vita, evidence of
teaching effectiveness and the names and telephone numbers
of three references by April 15, 1994 to G. Thomas Sav, Chair,
Department of Economics, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435.

  + Rudy Fichtenbaum        +  Internet [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
  + Department of Economics +  Bitnet   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        +
  + Wright State University +  Telephone 513-873-3070/3071            +
  + Dayton, OH 45435        +                                         +

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