The following job has opened up (somewhat late in the game) here
at the University of Manitoba in the Department of economics, a
department that is committed to "methodological pluralism" and welcomes
applications from economists of all stripes.  The official announcement

The Department of Economics invites applications for a full-time probationary ap
pointment at As
probationary appointment at Assistant Professor rank in the area of
Environmental Economics and the Economics of Sustainable Development
beginning 1 August 1994.  The successful applicant must have a Ph.D.
in economics with a stron theoretical and/or policy orientation and have
demonstrated competence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate
levels and research.  The successful applicant will be expected to
develop a program of courses in Environmental Economics and the
Economics of Sustainable Development and to take advantage of the
presence of the International Institute for Sustainable Development
in Winnipeg and the Natural Resources Institute at the University of
Manitoba.  Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Applications with curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference shoul
should be sent by 15 July 1994 to Professor John Loxley, Head,
Department of Economics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Manitoba R3T 2N2.

The announcement goes on to point out that we are an equal opportunity
employer, Canadian citizens and permanent residents get first shot,
the university is a smoke-free environment ("save for specially designated
areas) etc.
HOWEVER, this position is funded by the employment equity fund which
means we must staff it with someone who fits into the underrepresented
groups which in Canada are legally defined as Women, Aboriginals,
Visible minorities, and the Handicapped.  I perhaps may point out
that the position was created by the resignation of a female staff
member who accepted a position elsewhere.  Our department is,
unfortunately, overly male despite years of trying to rectify this.

If you are interested, please e-mail John Loxley AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
as we must make a decision quickly if we are to staff the position by
The address is: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If you want more information, please e-mail me at:

Paul Phillips

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